Serious questions..And please show your source, or the allegations are BS (note for the anti-Trumpers, I voted, but not for either one)
Serious questions..And please show your source, or the allegations are BS (note for the anti-Trumpers, I voted, but not for either one)
You misspelled Democrats
Same with your country
I’ve been using my dads skillet that he got in the 70s. Heavy as hell, but it’s superb
I like how Gizmodo wants to review posts, before having it go through. Most articles with this stupid feature have most posts stay at pending. Since most “writers” will “write” 5-6 “articles” a day
I like how Gizmodo wants to review posts, before having it go through. Most articles with this stupid feature have…
My favorite has been the Dopp Regatta. Have had it for 6 years now*. No problems at all. Holds decent amount of cash without getting big, holds 3 cards, another pocket to put more cards or keys in, and an ID window. Much easier to access cards and cash then ones like the Crabby wallet, were you have to keep moving the…
My favorite has been the Dopp Regatta. Have had it for 6 years now*. No problems at all. Holds decent amount of cash…
I believe they have a device in the truck that helps to change the light faster, like cops.
Releasing the game on their own site? Coming up with their own program (like Origin and Steam) and release their games on that? Putting them on some ancient technology called a DVD
Almost as bad as Valvoline
I like how you also make it seem the others knew that she was a sex trafficking victim. Sure, the videotapping was horrendous, the group of watchers (note, she DID NOT have sex with all 25, nor 10) was terrible, and he needs to be punished. But a molestation/rape case for a 16 and 15 year old is absurd.
You forgot to mention that the Spelling Bee Twitter account misspelled the spelling bee hashtag at the same time
Doubtful you’ll have many issues with your own purchased modem. Even so, 2 of them is cheaper then renting 1 from your ISP. Mine charges $11 a month for a modem rental. I paid $70 2 years ago, and still no issues. Compare that to returning my rented modem every 2-3 months for random disconnects
Doubtful you’ll have many issues with your own purchased modem. Even so, 2 of them is cheaper then renting 1 from…
People wonder why you still like the 360.
Then why did the cop stop chasing the biker?