Ah, okay - I wasn't sure. Thanks!
Ah, okay - I wasn't sure. Thanks!
I hated Dave on the Scrubs season that doesn't exist, but like him more and more when I see him. Dave is better Franco. I agree.
Dave Franco is the better Franco.
That Damian Lillard part is by far the best.
Huh, weird. Of all the comics this week, Brawl in the Family was the only one with a punch line.
It kills my knees.
Burger King here in Japan every so often has a week of All-You-Can-Eat Whopper Set. It's same as here, once you finish one part of the set (burger, fries, or drink), you can go get the next one. It's only 30 minutes though, so I can't eat all that much.
I wonder how people would react to COD airing on ESPN instead of Dota? For some reason, I think they'd be more open to it.
You mean the toothpaste and orange juice flavor didn't make it?
Nope, the SNES game was fantastic, and anyone who says otherwise is clearly wrong (he says, through highly rose tinted glasses)
And you had to walk 2 miles to school in the snow. Yeah yeah we get it.
Here. It's hurting me.
And the Lord's work has been done.
Pretty sure this is Spin Doctor! There's an iOS version nowadays.