That’s fair. He just reminds me of a few people I’ve known who put on these “look at how wacky I am” acts.
That’s fair. He just reminds me of a few people I’ve known who put on these “look at how wacky I am” acts.
I’m not opposed to someone having fun on the show. His idea of fun was something that I found annoying, though. I don’t have anything against the guy or anything. He was a good player who earned his wins and he seems like a decent guy. But that doesn’t mean I can’t find him annoying.
You take each and every story by anonymous internet commenters at face value? Ohkeee.
I might not be a reasonable attitude from YOUR point of view, but from MY point of view it’s an understandable one.
Good for you and I’m sure can vouch for any other woman as well. Oh, you can’t? Hm...
That’s what everyone said to the Duke Lacrosse team, or the UVA frat guys, or Conor Oberst or the Central Park Five, or.... When you’re innocent, nothing bad can happen to you. Right?
Nobody has broken into my home yet. Does that mean locking the door is just irrational fear of ‘hypothetical’ burglars? OK.
It takes one person and one false claim. That’s all.
This is not something that happened to me, but any rational person knows that some people lie to get ahead or take revenge or for some other nefarious reason. Why is it unreasonable to believe, that some women will use false claims of sexual harassment to get back at a co-worker they hate or try to eliminate the …
Fuck you and your inappropriate behavior. Are you nervous?
I don’t have to do any of those thing. The mere accusation without any proof can and will have consequences for me. If your co-worker accuses you of stealing, he/she has to prove the allegation, with any forms of purported sexual harassment, that is no longere the case. HR will most likely go with the accuser, out of…
The reason you find this so ridiculous is because you will never be in a situation where a man could accuse you of any inappropriate behaviour without being laughed at, safe of you literally ripping his clothes off. You will never be accused of ‘eye raping’, making a man ‘uncomfortable’, ‘sexist’ jokes, ‘accidentally…
Of course it’s not bad. He was 15 years old when he committed this heinous act.
There has been books and books and books written about how we, in the US, damn for life kids who commit all sorts of offenses as juveniles (from murder to drugs to sex acts to robbery). We seem to s-l-o-w-l-y be coming around to the fact…
Not calling the defendant to the stand is a great tactic in cases like this. Worked perfectly for Giomeshi.
“We clapped for Adam Jones AND Isiah Thomas last night! CHECKMATE, LIBTARDS.”
“Well, you see, we couldn’t throw at the other guy because it would look bad after our fans yelled racist things at him”. Baseball at its finest.
In this market, you have to move fast to capitalize on potential gains within cultural subsets. If you aren’t doing community-based targeting strategies, you’re losing out on potential gains in market share. I am dead inside, there is only market share.
So good. +1 paradigm shift
What I like about this post is that you’re successfully re-establishing your brand as one of the best Deadspin commenters to a whole new demographic of workshy masturbators.
“to help launch our brand into the market...”