
Did they fix you sticking onto objects when running on the street to chase someone or parkouring?

Something, something, political correctness run amok; something, something, this doesn't affect me, therefore it shouldn't affect anyone else; something, something, poorly-formed straw man argument about men's rights.

Is it too much to hope that we won't get a tyrade of men in here swearing up and down that E3 isn't sexist?

Competitive gaming is fun when played between a group of competitive gamers. It's when competitive gamers come into an otherwise casual group that the fun gets sucked out. Worse yet is when said competitive gamers say that anyone not having fun because they're constantly getting their butts kicked are the ones at

Sorry, as an animator, no, they really don't move that differently. You aren't suddenly animating a horse or a spider. You're making a few tweaks to the already-existing male animation.

Memes never truly die, they just fade away

We recognize the valid concern around diversity in video game narrative. Assassin's Creed is developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs and we hope this attention to diversity is reflected in the settings of our games and our characters.

Nowadays, the "too much work" argument no longer flies. It should be considered "necessary work" - simply the cost of doing business. We don't see games cutting walking and running animations as separate things due to "too much work". We don't see them making every object in the world static and non-interactive

it could always be worse.

I like how you're only judging games by how well they sell, as opposed to, ya know, how good they are...

This is a myth. That it doesn't matter what clothing you wear or the image you present of yourself in a first impression - MYTH. It matters kid, whatever Mom told you about not 'judging' people.. thats nice and its sorta true.. but not when it comes to business and sales and marketing. If someone walked up to you on

It is ok to make judgments based on what people wear. In fact, everyone does it everyday. You may not realize you're doing it, but you are. The people Evan is referring to, they are dressed the way they are because they know that people will look at them and say they don't care if other people judge them for what they

As soon as my phone has a giant blue X button, I'm gonna go bananas.



Recently? I ask because been >5 years since I had a genuine compatibility problem with a game, or for that matter, physically took a game home from the store. Usually all you need to do these days is tweak a few video settings (if anything at all).

Back in the 90's, you would have to do a mountain of research to find out if your rig would run specific games. DirectX pretty much obliterated that, but people who are out of touch with pc gaming trend to say this is still a major problem.

You do realize that your consoles run completely off AMD hardware right? It's logical to assume this gameworks program/deal will affect every gamer of every market segment that uses AMD hardware. Whether it will or not remains to be seen, but it wouldn't be surprising.

Its going to come free with MGS 5. Im calling it.

MGS 5 will be so big, we will forget that they were selling demos for $29.99. :D