
Then why wasn't it a problem with Aveline in the last AC game? They re-skinned Connor for that one. I don't remember there being any of the issues you mentioned.

Might want to tell 'those who work int eh game industry' that they're full of crap. This practice has been done in plenty of games without complaint.

Please don't talk as though you have any information on the subject. Plenty of AAA titles have used re-skinned male models with no complaints.

My console looks fine! -grumble, grumble-

Which is still rewarding them for bad behavior. No, I don't pre-order any more. I have no problem paying full price for a game to support the devs but I will not do so until the reviews are in.

The amount of people here defending this is just staggering.

Clearly you don't understand what a pre-order is. It's not just trying to get you to pay full price for the game, they want you to pay full price for the game before any reviews are allowed. There's a world of difference. After Colonial Marines I won't get burned again.

It no need subtitle, you need pay attention.

So, you're just defending the Kickstarter backers...except when they say they like something about this, then they're just wrong.

Wow, the salt is real...

Go ahead and post that link please.

He could only be invisible if no one was looking at him.

There was a Sony sponsored fighting game tournament last year where the only female player was harassed so viciously that she dropped the controller in the middle of her match and walked out. It wasn't just her opponent doing it, it was the other players including her own teammates.

look at this, gaming is for girls too! you can compete, but donĀ“t have to deal with males, yipie!

Also, the intent to segregate wasn't to maliciously go after women or to make them illegitimate. It was the opposite. They wanted more of a focus on female leagues so they get more of a spotlight all to themselves to promote female gamers.

No it is not. A 'Female Only' league does exist, it was created to encourage more women to play. Unfortunately some people that don't know what they are talking about look at that and assume that it means the regular chess league must be male only.

No it isn't. There are 'female only' tournament to encourage more females to play but there are no more 'male only' tournaments.

Chess has a female league that was formed to encourage more females to play. There is no 'Male Only' league.

And as soon as he stepped out of the water on the little island...he aggro'd some zombies on the mainland...
