I love prequels, I do. But I love them only when they're done right - as in, they feel like a prequel.
Take MGS3, for example. The action takes place much, much earlier than previous MGS games, and you can feel it every step of the way. The stealth is focused much more on crude survival and hunting methods, you have…
My main question is: Who cares how a game where you can beat hookers to death to recoup your finances treats women ...or any game for that matter?
Sorry man, but not all people that drive these are like that. I can only own one vehicle outside of my motorcycle where I live due to parking space issues. I took a high performance SUV because, well I like to drive fast but occasionally like to go camping. Yes I could have gone into WRX or another wagon, but for…
What is it?
OS X blocks known malware from running. I think if you want to scan your entire system for malicious files you can run ClamXav
"Jalopnik issues an apology in advance for all the people that will be killed by morons who read this article trying to 'scandi-flick on the limit while heel-toeing' through their neighborhoods in pursuit of becoming a 'master'." Seriously kids...don't do it.
This is my buddy Nate, one of the most skilled riders I know. Since getting his GoPro he pretty much won't ride without it. This was not fake or staged in anyway.
By "difficult to breath", you mean rapidly poisoned by sloshing around in the VOC cocktail still in the pipe, right?
You'd never see fans reading at an Oakland Raiders game.
I would take anything over Michale Bay.
Woah, there, friend! Seems like you got no arguments, so you're just down to insulting the other person.
Road head?
Maverick is actually a reference to a feral domestic cat
Negative. In CA Jaywalking is illegal. It does not give the driver a license to hit them but it does absolve them of fault if it's determined they actually struck the pedestrian on accident. Under normal circumstances the pedestrian would be cited for it after treatment of injuries.
On a related note, if there is some psychopath standing in front of your car threatening your safety, driving into them in order to neutralize the threat to yourself is justifiable self-defence.
For those that are saying the Motorcyle riders are in the wrong from yesterday's article. I thought I would point out that they are driving at safe distances in the correct lanes. The ones in the left lane were passing but if you look down the road in the video you will see a truck carrying two cycles in the back…