Say till all are one again...

Anyone wish they could do the Google Maps thing for a day.... and really make a joke about a path or something? For example map out a word with a fake path?

Maps colors are horrible. I'm not sure why, but when it is zoomed out it seems like there are a ton of iPhone users. However the moment you zoom in it seems like the Iphone users are grouped in small clusters surrounded by Android which seems to outnumber them.

Problem I have with Android gaming systems is ... well fragmentation and expiration. Sure its great now, but will it be able to run the next OS version and have enough power to run the app.

Except that the sharing was limited as per Microsoft. You could share up to an hour. DRM going away is a good thing. I liken this to "We can secure your freedom, you just have to give up all your privacy and rights for us to do so."

I'm sorry, don't take offense to what I am about to say but this has to do with will power and concentration more than anything else.

It doesn't need to. The application isn't constant on and really doesn't poll the system clock. What it does is flag the wakeTimers and SleepTimers built into the system so that keep the app in a polling state. So for example Maps (google maps), will do a WakeOn and poll GPS in the background as you walk / drive if

One thing to be careful of is that some of the placement can interfere with things such as antenna reception and NFC

Somehow I expected this to link to Jezebel, with a cross post from Lindsey stating how a patriacal society has caused things to devolve to a situation where people in power are oppressing a woman into dressing to what a man's ideals should be...

In the manual for an M series BMW they actually recommend driving below 60 and have alternating RPMs instead of constant RPMs for the first few hundred miles. This is an excellent reason why people should avoid using cruise control for the "break in" period. However, there is a warning that you should avoid (if you

I hope the movie isn't like this write up. As much as I normally appreciate how insightful author's feedback, it was a bit over the top and dragged on. I just spent 3 minutes reading how droll something can be with sentences that carried the same drab repetitive enthusiasm.

Probably has to do with apps and integration with online services. I've found my W8 (Nokia) is just coming into the adolescent stages of being easy to use. I know with some people the tiles are a bit of getting use to, especially to people that like a minimalist approach to things.

There is a learning curve with Android that just doesn't exist with iOS. Keep in mind before you think I'm flaming one OS over another I'm not. I own all three devices (Android / Win / OS(both i and X)).

Open world offers more than one path. Think at how open flow worked for AC and how that was improved with AC2 / AC3. No longer did you have to run a set path, but could skirt along outside of the objective scouting the best attack and best exit strats before making the final run. Once you remember the paths it will

I feel the same way about every COD / MW game released. Great games, but people seem to go APESH*T over those games. Games like these for me tend to do it though.

I loved AC, but the way they handle the game made me fall out of love for it. When it first came out it felt like a complete game. Every game since then has been a great work off, but the last couple have felt more like "LETS GET THE GAME OUT NOW THEN GOUGE THEM ON DLC". I like the story, but paying for the DLCs to

I love achievements. Pretty much that is what stops me from buying so many new games. I tend to play games through until I have all of the possible achievements. Now with this said, I have given up achievements for a majority of the outrageous online stuff.

I've always been interested in proving my point, as have you. Listen I get what your saying, in fact if you go back re-read everything I've said, I haven't denied what your saying and have agreed with you to an extent. However, as engaging as this discussion was, you seem hell bent on sticking only to your views

You are trying so hard to argue that a professional is anyone that makes money. If you can't see the difference between a person who is an amature making a photoshop ads in their kitchen and a professional in the field of advertising that puts thought into target placement, then you are the one not seeing the forest

Actually in an environment that uses multiple lans and segmented networks is common. Having multiple PCs at your desk controlled by a KVM is common practice in an environment where you have the corp network (separated from the internet or air gapped from an external network) and a public side network (for use with

Money at any point is not professional. My best friend's daughter just started selling lemonade on her street. She isn't a professional, just a little child. By your definitions, I am a professional marksman, web designer, programmer, engineer, IT technician, cook, CEO, DJ, pet groomer, butler, gardener, and a