insert Morgan Freeman here
insert Morgan Freeman here
god i love box motors
::zzzzzzz:: i'm sorry, i was sleeping through the photos.
just the color in my opinion.
at least the Honda would be affordable to fix, seeing they are both older models
i bet that design took about 500 tries with tiny adjustments. i noticed how the red stripe in it is small, but then you see all the red on the car and it appears to be balanced. i love it
Check out the video on the jump to the news site. there's a honda or something wtih a fart canon that drives by
i can second that. i just got rid of my 325i manual and got an automatic. when i hit the brake, even when trying to press it lightly, i end up slamming it just to hard and the car jerks.
pimp spoiler
ya! more LEDs! just what new cars need...::ugh::
bummed the ad is deleted. wish you got more photos.
i think more people with talents will take advantage of the low cost of living and it might become the next art boom. ya never know
found it