
Everyone clings on to that argument but the facts are if you stop paying, yes you can't access them, but if you continue again the lease for all previous games still exists on your account and will be activated once more. £40 a year for a games rental service where you can borrow those games from 12 months down to 1

Good to know. Now if only Turn 10 would change this to a 3D crowd in Forza 5, or at least less bored looking people.

What's so not classy about it? Seems like pretty ordinary marketing to me; emphasize the selling points of your product over the competition.

I'll believe you solely on your appropriately used Pokemon metaphor.

"Sony, My ps4 wiggles when I press down on it like this, what should we do about it?"

Just how hard is it to look away anyway?

honestly hearing it all these years later it has much less effect than during the time the press made such a big deal out of it. I dont particularly care for Howard Dean, but i would take some passionate politics over the folks who pretend to work for you while they spend all their efforts shoring up their own

Just because you don't find any launch titles enticing doesn't mean nobody does

I agree. I find it so funny when I see people argue about launch titles. How many PS3 and 360 launch titles still look and play nice today? In 1 year at most we won't care about any of those launch titles anymore. They will all be 15$ Greatest Hits in bargain bins.

With absolute respect for your perspective, Resogun being criticized for being a prettier R-Type seems odd when many of the biggest "Triple-A" games are exactly the same games we've been playing (with yearly releases) for decades, with a better sheen. I, too, am tired of the obsession with recreating cutesie 8-bit

But those are portable systems, and anything portable not made by Nintendo has always been a gamble.

I'd look at the previous iterations of the Playstation for your evidence that Sony has a pretty good idea about what they're doing. Sure, there have been some issues, but things always pan out.

Writing off indie games as a whole like that is a very reductive way of looking at it; there are really good ones that have unique and interesting ideas if you look for 'em, surely you've found at least one.

Too much attention on launch titles. None of that will matter after a month or two. This isn't Nintendo

I loved Stardust, and the same people made Resogun. I know I'm gonna love it.

What's wrong with you people? No, seriously, I really wonder why you people religiously fight for a multinational company that doesn't really care about you.

Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."

IMO, there is no way to make that sort of judgement based on a Sony sponsored MP event with such a small number of people. Feel free to disagree though, just the way I see it.

It certainly seems unfair to slap a huge "no" on it when it seems standard to wait to experience the online portions of other shooters before making a final decisions.

Lmao you wont find anyone on the industry that appreciates sony franchises, I can sum up every review of shadow fall "this isnt call of duty, a game where the story has never made sense ever. Sure we gave that a 9, lets give killzone a 7"

So Battlefield AND Call of Duty got "Not Yets" (maybe yeses, haven't gone back to check) for doing EVERYTHING the same but Shadow Fall gets a No.