
Oh, the one that you can't tell the difference in Ghosts?

Yeah, I don't believe anyone is going to go out of their way for rarities as it doesn't do anything for progression.

The way I see it is rarity means nothing in your progression of your level... it's more for an individual game. I don't think people will go out of their way for rare trophies unless it's a game they really, really enjoy.

The problem with PSN's trophies is when you start to notice that the bronze trophies aren't adding to your overall % of your level.

You know, I agree. I have no idea what a level is. I know there is some sort of algorithm, but it doesn't make sense at first glance.

Says the fanboy of one side to a fanboy on the other lol

"If the video sensor is always on, perhaps there will be achievements for fapping to what you watch" - anacanapana

Brain activity dictates that games are different from tv services. Actively persuing one rather than mindlessly. That's my opinion.

Sounds like it's just a money grab. Think about what MS has said to those programs as a pitch, here's sort of what I imagine;

"... but there are no ads for external products and won't be at launch, Penello said."

  • There are no external ads on the dashboard. Three promotional modules peeking in from the right side of the dashboard's home screen do promote movies, apps, shows or music that are available on Xbox One or Xbox Live, but there are no ads for external products and won't be at launch, Penello said. There will be ads for

GTA is old news. That's why we want a PC port to do the game justice.

As compared to the rival's ultimately worse RROD

Edit: meh

You forgot to mention: All for 100$ cheaper too!

Especially since the only reason they have any money is their PC/Windows sales.

"This means that the PS4 will also get 5GB of physical memory available to them, plus an additional .5gb of system-managed paged RAM, which is something devs could do themselves on XBO if they really need it."

Look, I'm not trying to be a fanboy or a dick. I just want to ask you, "Will that matter 2 months after Forza comes out?"

Says the kid who doesn't understand building PCs (aka what consoles are more similar to than ever).

I agree. They never committed. that's bad for them.