Prick Top

Excellent work to everyone involved. Hopefully you don't accidentally start WWIII in your command center.

Speaking of intriguing stories about fucked up relationships involving creepy people, what happened with A.J. and Denton?



That's just fucking fantastic.


Thank God my girlfriend's real.

One of my top 5 favorite songs ever.



Was waiting on this all year. Great job as always, Kenny.


Pretty In Pink Unless You're Molly Ringwald. Cause I Spent Millions To Forget You Existed. Seriously, You Ruined My Life.

Now THIS is the Anonymous that I love. The "church" has only one reason for existing. To sue people that supposedly infringe on their 1st Amendment rights to say whatever stupid shit they can think of. That's it. That is all they are doing. No matter what they claim, they are in it for the money they can get

Just saw this but it was awesome.



My favorite wrestler ever, and this was great. +1

All of which could have been in the police report. Did they make the whole report public? Really not trying for snark. If they did, and he's in violation, I will be apologize. Just going by my own experiences. A lot comes out in the reports and journalists in my area are notorious for not getting out the whole

Hopefully this will end all of the HIPAA violations talk against the former EMT that several commenters were loudly complaining about. Someone breaks some glass at a university, police make a report. And police reports are Open Records, so anyone could have found this information if they spelled the name right, or