That mnutherfucker just loves to rub it in about beting brewers I cant e3ven what a ass fuck. Oh shit, this isn't my burner account. Where's the edit button?!?
If you can't trust a guy named Prick Top, who can you trust?
Ross and Rachael finally make it work!:)))))) Also, if you're a heterosexual male and/or lesbian, bookmark this link then come back to after you're done with season 2.
At first I was upset he did it while commenting was down, then I thought he did it because commenting was down and knew all the nutjobs would be so pissed banging away their imaginary responses to him on a word document/personal blog that only their mom barely reads.
Agree with everything you just said. He is funny as shit over there.
Everyone's already addressed the comment system, but is it true they are getting rid of the blog view? If so, what's the point? It's much easier to deal with.
Alright, besides the new problems, anybody else seeing a sort of cloud over the headline when you click on a post? It's between the main photo and the headline and covers up mostly just the first sentence in the headline. Doesn't happen every time, but enough to annoy me. I use Chrome, if that matters. Anyone? Or…
Mr. Mullet, I mean Mr. Ley, with all due respect, +1.
Hey, something works.
So how can you switch to something called Kinja and switch the Ninjas to faeries? If anyone has already posed this question, haha, yeah I didn't see it.
"His exact quote to me, 'You're one the 2 worst goddamn lawyers in the histo...' "Wait I mean, 'I'm feelin I got a bit of the vapors, Cool Karl. Be a dear and fetch me a ice cream sundae from the commissary. Much obliged.' "Exact fucking quote."
I started drinking
Never been able to be a daytime commenter, or reader til I got a smartphone, so none of you funny fucks better quit. Where the hell else am I gonna lurk when I get home/naked/drunk? I hate you all. Kisses!
That's awesome.
Real name's Kinney. Known to ruin things.
Can't believe none of you get it. They meant Mariotti deserves a second chance to not ever work again but should write for this site if he doesn't want to and AJ's a cunt for not letting him get what he wants but he shouldn't be able to do that cause he beats women but that doesn't mean AJ shouldn't let him write for…
You can continue this on every post you feel like commenting on and I'll never stop reading.
Ha! And I just realized they made a whole post about it. Fantastic.