Prick Top

God I hate it like poison. And yet I still click on their stupid shit everyday. And some days even venture to the J, like a fucking moron. At least there will be a digital trace once I Thich Quang Duc myself.

That's awesome.

TDK is my favorite commenter. And I think I went through them all and didn't see it, but this was my favorite comment:

That first one from Delonte was one of my favorites. Thanks for reminding me.


That's good.

If you don't you'll probably get them for free. Which is cool, if you like Virginia Slims.

Ha! That was pretty fun.

I don’t get around here as much as I used to, but I have to say I’m a little dismayed reading all the hateful discourse between our fellow commenters. I always found this as a place of refuge, where everyone treated each other as equals, no matter their race, creed, gender or sexual preference. A place where we

It's my favorite show on TV and Kroll is just fantastic. They come on twice in a row tonight and I'll probably watch both each time.

I love it and just got a free month of Netflix. I watched the first 4 episodes last night and they seemed funnier than the first time. It's actually crazy to me how good they were, as it usually takes a new series a while to get going, but it's fucking awesome.



How you could leave out the Uroclub from this gaggle of drunks is beyond me.

It is the best show on TV. This episode was very good, but the last few were fucking epic. And Brie's fake I'm hot but pretending to be overboard to make people laugh was, goddamnit, incredibly hot. You win this week NBC. Which apparently will be your last win ever.

Hello! The Road? Return of the King? Eastern Promises? Wait. Is that the one where he kills the Russian with little Viggo flopping around? No. I did not like that one. Promise.

Which of course, leads me to a conjoined Morgan/McCarver. Don't tell me you wouldn't lance that God's mistake baby in a heartbeat.

Mary Lou Retton. She's just so smug.

Heh, exactly. But saw a comment the other day and wasn't sure if others were just screwing around or what. He couldn't be mad at him? But I guess not everybody loves CATS the way i do.