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I really didn't appreciate Curley's Twitter response after Sandusky first got pinched: @1926stillbangin! More like Sanshusky, amirite? Dude hates the fatties LOL.

Really? Is this the best you could come up with?!? Granted, all these games are awesome and will continue to get better until the day I die, but complaining makes my dick bigger. So damn you Owen and your dumbass list!!!

"Hey man, that was the first V-hole in years that didn't immediately slam shut after recognizing my Sy Sperling."

This was excellent. I am curious about Spira's reaction to the piece.

And I forgot all about the "smoky tornado." Maybe I should have tried that as a response. (But I really do love your Jezebel stints, you should do those more often.)

Well that's just awesome. Good luck with the pooch. And I hope he/she likes the car.

Probably normal if you live in a larger city. Apparently there are too many Vicks out there that have adopted dogs on the pretense of being a loving host that really just want them for killin. A friend had to get rid of one because he was moving and he had plenty of people tell him to charge for the pup, even if it

Yeah, you look...different. Similar to the way my little sister looked when she made the JV cheer-leading team. Way to go, I guess. Just please don't blow all the seniors the first chance you get.

Sorry, but that one was actually true. And you're the only one I could ask. Because I trust you.

Have you ever been recognized in public? If so, were they mean/nice? In front of Gawker's headquarters or Will's parents' house don't count.

IPC/Pete Gaines?

When are you heading over to Jezebel again? I heart those days. Also, a young lady I just met stuck her finger up my ass while blowing me without my written consent. Was "Um, no thank you" an appropriate response?

Clearly you're Anti-Semitic. Or a Nazi-Russian Cuban sympathizer. You left out beans for God's sake.

As for DS specific, it doesn't seem so.

While warming up the crowd before the 2001 Boston Marathon, Milton Berle became the first centaurarian to win a race after being spooked by the starting gun and accidentally turning east.

Judges say: We'll allow it.

Dixie Chicks?!? Bernard Hopkins is rolling over in his grave.

Yes, if Georgia wasn't such a bastion of personal liberty and unwavering tolerance, I might be a tad upset that I'm stuck watching the Bucs. Unlike, say, the lucky residents of fucking Tampa Bay.