Prick Top

Hey woman. For some reason your replies to me aren't showing up. Just went back and happen to see this. Like cobra said, talking bout myself with the idiot post, since I didn't read his whole comment. But glad to see you back.

I had my first experience with fakes last year at age 34. Granted, hers were done a while back, but it felt like I was playing with my old plastic Junk Yard Dog action figure while he was facing off against Roddy Piper in the rubber steel cage ring I got for Christmas. In other words, fake boobs are like Santa.

Idiot? ^^^This guy.

Cheese-mac made it available below.

Or poppped-cherry crepes, if you want to go fancy

Those would go great with gashbrowns.

They don't have shit on clitflapjacks. Well, some of them do, but that's an entirely different discussion.

Heh. 19 at the time myself, and didn't mention all the crazy. Like the time she made me do it in a closet so her neighbors wouldn't see. She had curtains? The things you do for love! I mean vagina.

The dog was nearby, and not part of the original plan. He inserted himself. Better?

Insane Ladies or Gentlemen You Made the Mistake of Doing DUAN

After 21 days and 3,600 kilometres (12,000 miles), nothing says Greatest Bike Peddler in the World more than your very own stuffed Lambert.

She wouldn't have been as shocked if she remembered the engagement party when he missed opening presents after he got that splinter. Then she found him just staring at the wall, drooling, and thought to herself, "Someone who doesn't get excited about this gorgeous fucking fondue pot, well, maybe they don't have what

My God.

That may be the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

Holy fuck. Just read an update that said the second attack (gunman dressed as police) went from 9 deaths to 80. How the fuck does one shoot 80 people? Gotta be more than one shooter. Then I read this: "described as "tall, blond and Nordic-looking" and speaking Norwegian — wore a police uniform and summoned youth at

Cran-grape Light. Yummy, and I like to pretend I'm drinking healthy. Like a vegetarian that eats 8 soy burgers in one sitting.

Tons of Ketel. What's your mixer?

Sounds fantastic, minus the death. Never seen any of them, but I do have my Wu Tang Pandora channel playing tonight while I'm dusting my furniture drinking vodka/Ocean Spray Cranberry & Concord Grape LIGHT. Whitest. White Guy. Ever.

Fucking love those guys.

Holy shit man, thanks. Just saw they're in Atlanta the week after Cleveland. Which also showed me Mos Def and Talib Kweli were playing the same venue 2 weeks later. Wu Tang and Black Star back to back? Gracious, I'm all a flutter!