
I like this. You get right to it—-the crass, bottom-feeder mentality that drains the eroticism dry out of what could be an amazing life-affirming performance.

Yes, I believe she may be a bit of a dim bulb. She's been around that kind of yoga long enough to know that out of basic respect, you don't wear transparent, revealing clothing and especially during Tantric your hair is put up and covered over. She is checked way out.

This is a good spoof, right?

hi, i believe that people attract a house to them for a reason, that they'll subconsciously move into an environment for a pattern to play itself out, good or bad. So in a house with a tragic history you would need to be super aware of what you're drawing to yourself. <3

Demi's new dude——think more Owen Wilson in Zoolander. he's a cute often-nude guy who goes to yoga classes. Not a Sikh. Anyone who goes online can adopt a Sikh spiritual name without being a Sikh. Lots of people who do Kundalini Yoga use sheepskins; it's not as sweat-inducing as some yogas. <3