
It is technically illegal, but if you think about it (which I don't suggest doing for long), it actually adds value, because it costs 50 cents to press one.

I know right? Who would use a non-transparent flask?!?!

You DO know that it costs more than 1 cent to make the penny right?? And in this instance, the US Mint has lobbied hard to STOP minting the penny because it is such an obvious waste, but public pressure (because people are oftentimes stupid and sentimental) has always prevented them from doing so.

Or have ever had to dispose of a body...

Copper ain't shit compared to titanium! Bilbao, anyone???

My first thought! It must be coated or not intended to be used as a vase!

Old photos are of an entirely different torch. Either the original, or the one right after it, had glass windows and it was used as a lighthouse. If I'm remembering my Modern Marvels correctly...

Knowing Giz, the iPhone?

Sam, I love you. I won't donate money because the idea of doing so seems so stupid, but in lieu of a cash donation, I pledge my complete and undying support of you and your current and future quasi-unethical social experiments.

I think, even with all the pomp, this is still aimed directly at enterprise. The desires of enterprise customers are starting to look more and more like the commercial customers, with the key difference being media consumption. They want the hardware to be blazing fast, look all flashy to impress suits in meetings,

Just a question, but will the Lumia be changing their ad campagin? It seems as if, it was the Beta Test as well...

I would say that is probably apt. I don't think they want iOS devs, and are going to bank on their existing devs. Who probably outnumber iOS guys (and I'm not saying that to be an ass, I swear). This doesn't mean they are any more talented or better or whatever. It simply means there is a whole bunch of people

Agreed. Were my life to be devoid of the smell of a warm eraser on graphite, I might not find it as worth living. :)

Yeah, I've never really worked with Apple's stuff (for reasons described earlier), but I've never found any Microsoft SDK hard to work with. And it's not only that, but MS just seems a whole hell of a lot more welcoming than Apple does. They have a huge amount of just random little things their staff puts together

MY biggest incentive is I don't have to buy a a completely new ecosystem! And I'm sure that is a huge incentive to other companies out there as well. Once Apple officially fucked Adobe (no, not over flash), they in effect pissed on a bunch of would be developers, myself included.

Yeah, I can see that. I tend to type faster as well, but sometimes it is just easier to write. We have morning stand-ups at my company, and having a tablet that, say, kept my handwritten task list in sync with my exchange list would be amazing.

"Nobody is going to use the Windows Live substitutes"

Right, right. Who needs freedom when our freedoms are at stake?

terribly?? That is, at best, debatable...

You make good points, mostly (I would never call iTunes or the App store simple or direct. They are God-Awful UIs). But you are a designer, can you not see the benefit of this? Of using an honest to God stylus?? As a secondary input to your main machine to use while you edit, that you can also take with you on