
Lest we forget the XBOX...

Yes yes yes!!! And handwriting recognition!!

Yes but you can input with a stylus! You can use it like a real honest to got notebook! And I'd bet it recognizes your handwriting and converts it to text as well because Windows 7 is already fantastic at this.

Good point. By chance did you see that South Park episode about those jewelry channels? They highlighted similar tactics.


I know it is hard to believe, but before a few years ago (I think September or October of 2001) law enforcement agencies were actually held to much higher standards than today.

I want to eat a dolphin!

On Screen Guide.

The man's name? Charles H. Manson...

No, this company seems to have the whole profit thing working quite well! lol

I was being an ass. I apologize...

I think

Ah! we had a whole debate about this this morning! I'm in your camp, but a writer! on screen keyboards are horrible and writing with my finger or a fat rubber or frizzy metal stylus is stupid.

Ahhh, it looks awesome, but, does anyone else miss the courier?

I mean, QR codes' biggest downer is, they are ugly and it is hard to design around them (and, from what I can tell, Giz has a hard-on for NFC and sees QR as an existential threat).

2 dollar discount

I want you to come to Huntsville. Take a tour of the museums, of Marshall, of the city. Speak to the thousands of still living people who lived and breathed Mercury, Gemeni, and Apollo for years. And when that doesn't change your mind, I'll introduce you to Buzz Aldrin (he should be in town at some point during the

Hell yes Duplos count! Little kids will swallow some LEGOS (In fact, pretty sure I still have one or two 1x2s embedded in my lower intestine).

Ah, good description. Wish that were included in the article! I bet it is hard to find any big for-profit company that trusts open-source. Does AMD support Linux? Creative? Again, just curious. You are on to something about forcing the niche thing. To extrapolate, if I may, it sounds like them not supporting

I built an HTPC too!!!