
I think to call something a hook, a little more engineering is required...

The day I decided to never use facebook was my birthday in 2004. It was only available to colleges then, and just starting to take off. I got three, 3 phone calls from friends wishing me a happy birthday in which I was asked a)if I was on FB, and b) why was I not on FB?

Agreed, and I will try to offer the reasons. Specifically, 22 or so reasons.

"Company police force" does sound insane. I suggest using the more common "private investigators", "security guards", "bodyguards" or "mall cops".

You're kidding?! They don't even try to make sense anymore!

I have to agree, you win...

I mean this honestly Giz staff, but, since you got ahold of that phone (you know, THAT phone), did Apple bump you down to the bottom of the demo reviewer list?

You could manually spin a magnet inside a coil of wire while you shove random objects up your ass. There might be some energy loss, but it is basically what you are describing...

Actually, two first cousins are only something like 1% more likely to have a child with birth defects or developmental issues.

I was, stupidly, approaching it from a design perspective. Similar close would imply some inherent similarity, like in genetic material. You asked how would one "pictorially represent" such a concept, and that's what I thought of.

Wait, what we?

The blue father (with the stash) looks like he keeps his secret (and unwilling) boyfriend locked in a cage in his closet.

I didn't say they don't, but Mrs. Allred's press conferences don't serve the client (other than attempting to bias potential jurors in their favor, which is a very very weak tactic) they only serve to inflate Allred's ego, and prove that 1) she can't act worth a shit and 2) she is damn good at hyperbole.

Oh you win, Sir!

And Apple is by far not the only company with it's own "police force". Hell, even some individuals have them.

Noah was perfect. No one will suprass him. Or AMH as Bill Gates. God I love that movie, and was hoping TNT would dust it off and air a remastered HD version.

Not to mention fake accounts...

Isn't MS a FB investor?

lol, good one!

Still has a nose...