See this threw me...
See this threw me...
Same color clothes?
It's so nice when that happens! Just hope that her new replacement doesn't up and become a Republican a week into office. That's what happened to us here in North Alabama a few cycles back!
Ha ha, more like Hubris Hubrinov!
To be honest, your statement about sex workers et. al. is true, but that is not and never has been why Allred was in the game. She is a publicist, first and foremost, with a highly inflated sense of self worth. So she amasses money and fame by exploiting the sympathy others have for her client's situations.
"After all, the military does not exist to provide careers."
Ah RGB LEDs have changed the world!
Why would Ives go with two-tone? Isn't he all about simplicity? I got to thinking...
I'd say the unibody design and god awful two-tone make it a little more than an incremental update.
I think at this point, it has just turned into a trademark office. I would be the reason the companies are buying them up is so some other jackass doesn't buy them and make money sending people to porn and casino sites.
You win the day...
Actually, I bet .reactionvideo would have a broader appeal...
It's a switch for the sake of quck ICANN cash (and attempting to exile porn...)
Next time I'm over there, I'm teaching you beer pong. Playing with English beer will probably kill me, but it will be worth it...
I have no doubt that you are right, but take solice in the fact that every so often, when the air in the board room is just right, the results of a cold heartless corporate cost/benefit analysis will line up perfectly with the desires (or rights!) of the customer.
*...a trip to a beautiful Hawaiian Golf Resort with some high dollar "companions" for a week...
You're talking about that white one, arent you??
When you are talking about what is, in essence, a series of regional monopolies, no sir, government intervention is not a bad thing. I mean, when you were writing that last big paragraph, did you even remember you wrote the first?
First off, I'm a man...