See my response to miss matched...
See my response to miss matched...
"(and permanent crush of all straight ladydom)"
No, I knew what you meant. I was just hoping that Verizon doesn't use them, because if they do, then when i update to the new iOS, I'm going to get the same annoying directions from Siri's (often too bitchy) mouth - er, speaker? - instead of the Verizon personalityless robot.
Christ, tell me that's not who Verizon uses! I was looking forward to having turn by turns that don't tell me to pull a u-turn every 5 minutes...
I'm with you. I'd rather they just updated the look. Or even just made the experience consistent from device to device/menu to menu.
I'd rather they not have this and give the damn thing a face lift already. Make all their UIs easier to navigate, and ditch the stale Web 2.0 look.
This is American Capitalism at its best!
Actually that sounds so simple, it is probably the most secure way ever. Think about it, someone breaks into your office and obsconds with your desktop. Will they really take the mousepad? Or hell, even realize it is there?
Or beat them to death.
Yes! Good point! (And "skeumorphic Web 2.0" made choke on my coffee..)
Haha, I like the joke, but agree with Ortiz...
Okay, I'm going to respond to your post backwards...
I don't know that I would say that, exactly. I mean I get your point, but other tech companies are different.
It is starting to look increasingly cobbled together. From device to device, but now even moreso from menu to menu.
Agreed, and feel that way about the hardware and company as well.
So, Apple is doing good with Steve gone because they can throw a good conference? Because that's what I got from this.
That is because it has been Appled, and that means it is now innovative, awe-inspiring, gorgeous, sexy, clean, world changing, and shiny (with rounded corners).
Pretty sure he said iPad and not phone...
I'd like her to actually do anything with the phone...