
The problem isn't that it's beta, it's that they are selling it like it isn't. That's what pisses me off.

True, that's all I tend to use it for. However, try having Indian friends and a southern accent.

A Very transparent move to increase it's user numbers after leveling off recently. Not at all unexpected, especially after the piss-poor IPO.

Agreed. But that specific phenomena became prevelant after WWII (specifically, the opinions about what other countries do, historically average Americans really haven't given a shit), so it's still a bit of an anomaly when discussing the general American exceptionalism thing. Some might argue that the economy,

Exactly my point...

And Martin Luther King, if I'm not mistaken??

I used to think that too, then I saw hot rod.

At least Sandler and Fallon played guitar...

I would like to personally throw acid in his face.

I've thought the same thing about having kids. But sometimes I think that worry is just a side effect of the depression. But it all may be moot, as I'd actually have to meet a woman who could stand me for ten minutes before I ever had a kid. And after that, I'm assuming there is an awkward sit down where I would

Acknowledge supremacy? Again, sounds a little exaggerated. And I don't mean to offend. Historically, we didn't care if other acknowledged it.

Right with you brother. I was reading that stuff about installing air conditioners etc and thinking, "She must be kidding, she can't really be saying it is okay for a girl to string a guy along, but not for a guy to do the same?? Isn't it fucked up no matter the gender?!"

Agreed. It's that horrible attitude that gave us Olympic Snow Boarding and, ugh, made Shawn White famous (HATE that guy...)

True. I will cede the point, and prove rebecca27 wrong by saying that yes, when it comes to imperialism, noone did it better than the British (Specifically the English). In fact, as I was writing that I was mostly thinking of my "motherland" Scotland. You guys just gave up on the highlanders, just kicked them the

While I agree with your general premise, the part about demanding everyone believe it's true I see as a bit of a stretch. It's a tool politicians use to avoid any real substantive talk about the issues facing the country. It's easier for them to say "yes, you are great, pretty, there's no one better. I think that

Well played, madam.

I didn't mean to imply that others go to the limit that we do, but that that seed is everywhere. Make better sense?

Never met a Lawson that wasn't smart...

Does anyone else remember the days when The Learning Channel's name actually applied to content they aired? I miss "Understanding" and the good old days when Candice Bergen or Jane Curtain would teach me about airplanes or radio waves.

Why do you assume those who hold that position do so with intelligence and logic (implied)?