I have a nit to pick...
I have a nit to pick...
Oh so true, in so many ways. I thought I was the only one who constantly tried to point that little fact out. Marry me Gavagirl...
Its a much broader concept than imperialism, and effects much more, but yes, in essence. British imperialism consisted of conquering native peoples, and using them. The American concept, at least when applied to imperialism, has much darker implications. We not only saw ourselves as superior, but because our shit…
I swear the ramble is contagious...
It's based in America's Protestant heritage (polisci major here...). And can be tired directly back to the "city upon the hill" mentality of early America. A lot like manifest destiny, the American experiment, etc. but it's roots are in the Protestants belief that the old world (europe) was bad, but here they were…
Haha yes sir!
That's my point. Apple would never do it, not because they can't, but because they would lose at least some facet of that walled garden they are so keen on keeping. I saw some chatter about them using a thunderbolt connector, but that seems like overkill to me. But the only thing that would require them to reinvent…
The whole damn practice of naming bills is rediculous, but smart. The title is the only part of it reps actually read. But I bet that's the thought process that went through that Jackass from Arizona's head - "hmm, lets put that old broad and that negro fella's name on this, that'll fool them tricky Dems!"
Shit I would, but I'm in Alabama. My district is still reeling over electing a Dem only to watch him jump ship and turn GOP on us a few years ago. Not to mention Karl Rove getting our ex Governor (D) thrown in jail. I can't leave!
Yes, annecdotal evidence is the core foundation of sound science.
Stay away from NJWeedMan.org. He's covered in PCP.
I think it was a bit of an exaggeration. If you were pissing outside of a bar, no. But if you were pissing on a playground, yes. Context means everything in that type of thing.
Ah, thank you. I didn't say it was the most durable, but it is durable and that's what I like about it. That, and I'm a bit of a tinkerer, and the 30pin is really easy to work with.
Trust me, the military spends TONS on UI design as is, but the point is simplification and durability. Hell, look at the Javelin's launcher. Shit's amazing.
Agreed. I've never had a good relationship with micro USB connectors. Every portable HD I've had has come with them, and every one has broken at some point. And please people, don't reply with that "you were using it wrong" crap. I don't care about the tech specs/etc with a connector, the micro USBs feel flimsy…
It's not just blogs. You ever used USAToday's app? Spelling and grammar mistakes everywhere. This is where our language is headed guys...
Did the lady's husband design and build that himself? (I've only had a chance to skim the images in your link) That thing is beautiful!
Off subject (well maybe not) but is that little girl (?) next to him wearing a half-shirt thing?! What's going on there??
I always thought it had more to do with diet and environmental conditions. For instance, a sub-set of humans settling somewhere whose diet was mostly plant based, would need a skull large enough to accommodate larger muscles in the mandible?