I never said she was ugly, I just said that I don't think she is beautiful. Hell, in my first post, I said "she isn't ugly by any means". #pointlesshashtag
I never said she was ugly, I just said that I don't think she is beautiful. Hell, in my first post, I said "she isn't ugly by any means". #pointlesshashtag
"The old adage in design states that form should follow function, but in this case, formless sperm actually have no chance of functioning."
We are all whores in some way, Mr. Finklestein...
I don't know. I don't really have an ideal? It's more like a case by case basis, and in this case, I just don't find NK beautiful, whatever that means to anyone else.
I have to respectfully disagree. Ever since I was a child, I have found her off-putting. I don't know what it is, vampire?, but I've never liked her. She isn't ugly by any means, but I don't find her attractive.
Like hell it's not! Trust me, NASA has just turned into one giant jobs program. OP is right, they have traded exploration for paperwork (manned exploration, anyway).
Agreed! Great is not a term that can be applied to HP. It's a great story, but it isn't told that well...
Teacher enforcement. But that gets old fast. I can't tell you how tempting it is to kick a 16 year old in the jaw when they "sneakily" bust out the cell phone for the third time mid lecture.
But they do sell it, dont they? I mean, isn't that their whole business model?!
As someone from Alabama, I have to disagree. I think the idiots started to see the light when the crops rotted in the fields after that stupid immigration law was passed.
First paragraph: That's the point of the legislation. It's just precise enough to imply some sort of limit, but vague enough to be actually enforced in any number of ways. Lots of laws, especially ones concerning corporations, are written like this on purpose.
Because this is the white Christian land of Freedom and abortions make Jesus cry!*
It is fucking horrible, but to me it is the logical progression after the whole Plan-B bullshit a few years ago. Doctors didn't have to prescribe it, pharmasits didn't have to dispense it, both for "moral reasons", with no retribution. This is just the next step in the hyperconservative's right to get all up in…
I think all of you are forgetting one possible era/region where this was more likely to happen: The Jim Crowe South. This is the only place/time I can actually see this happening; MAYBE some select areas down here currently, but it would be very VERY rare, if at all.
Totally need to mention that Korean kid from a few weeks back............
Haha! Those two faces are priceless...
I'm totally with you guys, but I got to thinking. What if the New Yorker, a respected literary mag, is doing this to purposefully illustrate how stupid Twitter is, and to highlight the obvious damage it’s limited format does to written communication??
I want to steal both your dogs! I've wanted a beagle since I was little, but the family opted for yorkies instead. They are great, don't get me wrong, but man they ain't beagles!
You're correct. And that's not really augmented reality either, as amnt001 pointed out...
Totally threw me, too! They must not be that big of Muppet fans!