
I'm sorry, but I have to say it. If she is implying that MILFs arent popular, she's never been on the internet...

Agreed, I'm all for legalization, but not for the reasons in that fucking letter. Whether or not the claims about cancer are true, they were in mice, not humans, so you can't put that forward of evidence that weed is a good thing. Yes it is interesting, but far from proof.

true, I feel bad for them though. I've never liked Sony, but it's kinda sad that they poured all that time and money into avenging Betamax, only to watch the Internet rise up and kick blu-ray in the ass. Allthough, it was pretty hard not to see that coming...

The Sony tax is more likely an effect of the retailers and not Sony itself. Though both probably play a role, I'd bet money that it's more due to retailer trying to capitalize on their name.

Agreed, sony shouldn't have to eat all the costs of a retailers sale intended to clear inventory.

The Sherman anti trust act focuses on trusts. If this was a conspiracy between sony and Samsung and, yes, it would be collusion, but likely the timing is just coincidence.

Sorry! Fauxcused, now it belongs to you!

Nope, that song is burned into my brain! I think it was used in some commercials over here at the time, though I can't remember for what. Maybe [] or something...

I still think it stretches the 3rd definition.

Then how do you explain golf pencils*???

this is from DRI's website:

Then I disagree with your original post! The key moment for MS wasn't when it got that software, it was right before, when Gates had the balls to march into Big Blue and sell them something he didn't have! The product didn't matter, but Gate's gigantic seemingly fearless balls did. There is a difference between

Was totally going to call the hipster detail, too. Anything labeled as "indie" is usally the mark of hipster bullshit.

touchsmarts rock!!! I'm totally in your boat. I have an iPad in adition to my TX2500, and the lack of a stylus drives me crazy.

I'm inclined to agree. Historically speaking, whether through cancer or cocaine binges, if Steve Jobs isn't at the helm the Apple tends to rot.

Isn't that the company that sold Gates what became DOS for like $50 *after* his big meeting with IBM???

Hah, Family Guy's Empire episode had the same exchange!

"provided by cable and sat companies" - There's your answer right there. That's why TivO is dead (or at least, should be).

Total Flashback!!! Who the hell is still hosting that site?! And that was a US thing, too. I remember sitting in my tech classes in High School, pulling this site up, and annoying the hell out of my teachers. Ohh, the good old days...

Isn't this really just a robot that controls bubbles?? I think you're stretching it a bit...