
Agreed. The MagSafe connector wouldn't make sense on the iPhone. The current connector has 30 pins that do all sorts of things. A MagSafe connector basically has 2 for positive and ground. That's it. It's a great replacement for a barrel jack, but not a data plug. A MagSafe on a phone would consist of 2 ports,

Great video! Thanks! Also, was that She Hulk painted on the side of that thing? lol

That isn't a fake industry to get around the laws, it simply helps them follow said laws?? But it's no matter. Coming straight from Gawker comments primed me, and i thought you were referring to baking or some shit, lol!

Oxy clean works somewhat well for my little terrier's massive shits. A mixture of Clorox and water can work too (but it will bleach stuff). Worse comes to worse, the best thing might be a cleansing fire...

I think you mean the three stooges effect...

I figured folks in the Enterprise would love metro. I mean it looks so much more like LCARS...

Really?! I'd say paper, but to each their own...

I am suprised, and heartend by the sheer number of commenters on here who realize this is sensationalist. So, props to Giz commenters, first off.

Fake industry? Please elaborate...

Unless my grandfather misused the term (which is entirely possible) "zip guns" don't need a trigger. Papaw tweaked his shotgun so that everytime he cocked it, it would fire, no trigger needed. And he called it his "zipper".

Good point! If it ain't broke...

Thanks! Are they more or less similar systems though?

It's the same system, if memory serves. That is, the catapult is also the arrestor. At least it was when powered with steam. I could be wrong, and please somone correct me if I am, but I've always been under the impression that the launch line and catch line were tied to the same core system.

Christ, you aren't kidding! Down ten percent in, what, 2 hours of trading? Overvalued, anyone??

Anyone else notice that this post was brought to you by IE9?! Or was this just a fluke for me??

Number 92. Unless I missed your point.

Actually, I think it was a bathroom stall at a bar near

I've played with it a bit, and it just seems to pull from Wikipedia. I don't see anything new here. It's like they borrowed from Amazon "Users who searched for this, also searched for..." and pull straight data from Wikipedia.

I took the precaution of setting one of my monitors behind me. When I moved my head out of the way, my computer turned to stone...

Yeah! It was crazy. I lived in Madison at the time and it woke me right up. I didn't realize it was just the motor!