
I have an additional comment regarding your article, you note:

I’m still going with Big Crunch -> infinitesimally small singularity reaching critical mass-> Big Bang. To me it makes the most logical sense.

Not near as messy to cleanup when there is a leak.

Well, he’s in charge of the nukes, but also in charge of... the DoE budget allocations and billions in investments in energy regulation. It’s convenient to say the EPA does everything, but the DOE has a lot to do with our energy policy at large. And CO2 is a part of that.

This is why we need to scrap the phrase “climate change” it’s as stupid as “global warming” sure to us it makes sense but to the mouth breathing idiots like this it’s so abstract it can easily be debunked in their simple minds. Call it what it is: “pollution” it’s a lot harder for some stupid guck o Fox News to come

The latest figure I can find at the moment is about 11 million dollars.
The reason that is important, is because that’s the amount of money Rick Perry has had put into his pocket by Oil/Energy Companies.
Rick Perry didn’t say Co2 doesn’t cause global warming, 11 million dollars said it.

That game is largely seen as one of the few if only good game’s on the system, and for for the time, it was pretty impressive in terms of atmosphere. It obviously doesn’t hold up the same under modern standards, but it’s still a solid game.

No it really sucks, we got this for my parents it is insanely bad. The controllers don’t work half the time since they are IR and not wired or RF... and that is the real issue. If you have some old working Atari controllers they will plug in, but we couldn’t find controllers I working condition anywhere for it. It is

Actually, pretty much what you’re describing already exists, albeit with 101 games and a $49.99 price point.

I’m not so sure. The games and graphics were pretty bad, and were only playable because the displays of the date were so incredibly blurry that staircasing disappeared and imagination could make up for lack of details.

I feel a responsibility as the CEO of an important company to grow jobs in the United States...”

AT&T Verizon I’m having trouble thinking of any actually

It’s a sad world, when we have to depend on corporations to defend our most basic liberties.

Be fair....if penguins wanted to preserve a piece of art, they don’t exactly have many tools or resources and to choose from.

Share my data with the NSA, FBI, any on the 3 - 4 letter agencies. I’m sure someone will fall alseep with all my snarky internet banter. Well except that time I was searching for Left handed flat footed flight less birds who like mocha skinned studs, dancing with midget lesbians to Mellisa Etherage.

Humans just can’t appreciate the kind of fine chiaroscuro that can be given to a painting by well-blended penguin shit.

Depends on what you are using it for. Miter saws are more convenient for crosscutting wood whereas table saws are better for ripping wood.

Depends on what you are using it for. Miter saws are more convenient for crosscutting wood whereas table saws are

Laser beams or GTFO. This is a solid deal though, I highly recommend one. I’m not a woodworking guy by any means but mine has paid itself off 10x over.

Laser beams or GTFO. This is a solid deal though, I highly recommend one. I’m not a woodworking guy by any means but

False. Everyone should own one of these beautiful bastards. But, seriously, spring for a compound, sliding saw. Far greater utility in that you significantly increase the range of cuts you can make.

False. Everyone should own one of these beautiful bastards. But, seriously, spring for a compound, sliding saw. Far

The Cloud Service is also being discontinued.

The Cloud Service is also being discontinued.