Did you mention saving your .pst files if you use Outlook?
Did you mention saving your .pst files if you use Outlook?
Ha, that is a laugh. I’m in CA right now and next week I’m being forced to attend a union busting meeting from corporate.
I’ve worked in IT in your standard smallish-medium company. Spent years there, company got bought out by a larger company, unpaid over time, forced hours, forced on call with almost zero compensation, 0-0.5% raises as the bosses are having staff meetings talking about their latest company they bought, etc etc etc.
Democrats shouldn’t give him shit. Let him shut down the government, then they should go on Fox news and explain that Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. That if Trump was truly a great deal maker, and fiscally conservative, then he would find a deal that is great for the citizens of this country.
Who am I…
Did you notice how Putin’s Bitch kept tapping his finger tips together? What could’ve been going on within the shallow recesses of his “big” brain?
Quantum, please note that if you get this phrase printed on a t-shirt I will purchase said t-shirt.
You missed the /s tag, because otherwise people would tag you for being an imbecile.
Black unemployment was incredibly low during Washington’s presidency. Not many people know that.
George Washington owned a ton of slaves, so yeah I’d HOPE we’d vote against him today.
They’re illegal to ride on the sidewalk here. They have to ride in the street... and they might be less of an issue there if people here didn’t lose their minds every time the city tries to add a bike lane somewhere.
The practice of private equity law is the most profitable practice there is. Except maybe defending an oil company after a major oil spill or doing the fine print for a petro state’s oil business IPO.
These TVs are no joke. They look amazing in person. You really can’t appreciate what this level of black control with HDR looks like until you see it in person. It’s almost as big as going from CRT to 1080p
These TVs are no joke. They look amazing in person. You really can’t appreciate what this level of black control…
The one good thing that came out of the Toyota acceleration thing is that they are more willing to recall cars to fix defects. They used to be notorious for not admitting flaws.
What big company WANTS a unionized labor force? From their side, all unions do is impact the bottom line. Of course Elon is going to fight tooth and nail because he is a greedy technocrat. I’m in a union, so I see it from both sides, but damn I’m glad I’m in one.
I had that truck. I miss it all the time.
The styling is designed to look already broken, so it hides the body damage.