This is a flat out lie trying to create a reason time buy now. Tax credits have been extended until 2021.
This is a flat out lie trying to create a reason time buy now. Tax credits have been extended until 2021.
Thing is it’s questionable how much the “defense industry” really had to do with the F35's problems. Most of them can be traced back to the political side of things... demanding it fill too many roles, deliberately spreading it out across many roles and jurisdictions to prevent cancellation, etc. I doubt that any of…
He shuts off the money to defense contractors and all of a sudden Republicans in the House want to take another look at the CIA report about Russian interference...
seriously, how can a pc stick with win 10 sell for a price below the win 10 license?
seriously, how can a pc stick with win 10 sell for a price below the win 10 license?
You got your Jalopnik in my Deadspin.
Or a great way to get time for killing in traffic to, amirite?
Aren’t SS distributions taxable already?
In fairness, I doubt that many Libertarians were leaning Clinton anyway. If anything, I’d imagine Johnson taking just as many votes away from Trump.
And the whole epi-pen debacle is also completely rediculous from a business standpoint.
Don’t be obtuse. The ONLY reason this statement is getting blasted is because Trump said it. Instead of sending the production of old cars to mexico, why not keep them here AND add additional jobs and manufacturing for the new models here. The population isn’t getting any smaller.
I stated basically the same thing on the individual post for the Gold Box deal. The cart is way better than the wheelbarrow, in terms of loading, maneuvering, and dumping.
I stated basically the same thing on the individual post for the Gold Box deal. The cart is way better than the…
I can vouch for the black Gorilla Cart. I believe it holds 800 lbs, and the dumping mechanism is awesome. Moves very easily - even with a heavy load - and is much better than a wheelbarrow imo. I use it mainly for moving firewood and love it.
I can vouch for the black Gorilla Cart. I believe it holds 800 lbs, and the dumping mechanism is awesome. Moves very…
Just put the chainsaw on the Roomba...
Just put the chainsaw on the Roomba...
You do wanna be a pro don’t you? Or do you wanna be a casual all your life?
If that’s the case, then these cops suck. If they had the place staked out, this guy never should have made it to the getaway vehicle.
Yea I was confused too. Then I realized that Tiffany in the Mercedes has been dealing with her husbands kids, Taylor and Brantley, and she’s had enough of this shit. I mean, how was she supposed to know that they stopped carrying the asparagus infused water at her location?
More cupholders.
On the plus side, you wouldn’t have to step foot in a Walmart.
On the plus side, you wouldn’t have to step foot in a Walmart.