
What problems are you trying to solve by moving to Windows 10? What apps do you wish to use that will not run on Windows 7? What features of Windows 10 do you find compelling? How adverse to risk are you, considering the potential for borkage? Do you enjoy spending hours on integration challenges should such arise?

Let’s set up a GoFundMe with a target of $20 million to purchase the disputed property from the owner of equitable title. Each dollar pledged would buy one share of the new Groom Mine Memorial Park.

Have you tried to re-install Windows XP lately? Good luck.

Obviously, the bikers were trying to make an exciting YouTube video. Such videos often demonstrate a remarkable disregard for safety and the rules of the road.

What is the deal of which you speak? I see it not.

What is the deal of which you speak? I see it not.

Argument? I came here for abuse.

I purused all that was posted and learned much, especially from the comments section. However, the exercise of compiling this into a rigorous trade study is left to the reader. What are the criteria for comparison, and what priority is assigned to each? At least now I have more knowledge of various criteria and an

I purused all that was posted and learned much, especially from the comments section. However, the exercise of

A key new feature of the Sony RX100 IV is the ability to turn off the LCD panel to use only the viewfinder; so, no more torch-like glow to piss off surrounding concert goers.

A key new feature of the Sony RX100 IV is the ability to turn off the LCD panel to use only the viewfinder; so, no

“There are 47 percent of the people ...who are dependent upon government, ...and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” —Mitt Romney, GOP Presidential Nominee

Back in 95, the shutdown resulted in no home inspection needed for our FHA loan. We ended up not closing on the house and tied up in litigation. The ripples from this resulted in profound impacts to my life.

Or purchase three shares of AAPL with the intention of selling them in two years. Perhaps your next iPhone purchase will then be fully funded.

Good thing, Reagan cut social services for the mentally ill, who have been SOL ever since.

Back in the late 80s, our Micromouse team was returning to California from the North American championships in Toronto. The airport security was intent on determining if our laptop was a bomb. They did not care about our little robot with wires hanging out of battery packs that looked like C4 plastic explosives.

Let’s hope ADSB provides the remedy.

Helpful tip: If you are using a software utility to backup all your data, be sure the software utility for restoring the data will run on Windows 10. Example: after using Microsoft’s backup utility on Windows 95 in preparation for a Windows 98 upgrade, I was shocked to find Microsoft’s backup utility for Windows 98

Imagine what WHS would be like today if Microsoft had not killed the product years ago. I still wonder if we could somehow convince Microsoft to spin off a separate company to resurrect the Windows Live OneCare and Windows Home Server products. Perhaps that is how Microsoft can “solve hard problems in ways that drive

Was Windows 8.1 considered a service pack or a whole new OS?

Gosh, it looks like it’s really gonna happen. As a developer, maybe now I should start porting my apps to Windows 10?

$3 billion for these new destroyers, but that’s ok, we can always cut more from education funding.

Perhaps a provocation to get the Americans to activate a counter-counter measure? The Russians are no doubt developing a counter-counter-counter measure.