
Can I has diamonds on the soles of my shoes?

They'll be replacing them much more often due to hail damage.

Good point. When WiFi is nigh, a $39 Sansa with FM might suffice. T'is a drag to carry multiple devices, though.

Check out the NPR app.

Thunderbolt and Lightning - very, very frightening me. Gallileo (Gallileo), Gallileo (Gallileo), Figaro - magnifico.

In a future iPhone (iPhone 6?) NFC will come bundled with the AuthenTec fingerprint scanner, and this will CHANGE EVERYTHING.

There's an app for that.

iPod Touch is a couple grand cheaper than an iPhone purchased under contract (makes a more suitable gift for unemployed/underemployed family and friends).

With the Lumina 500, I wonder if the light can be used on the highest setting while the battery is charging. One could use a bicycle-powered USB charger and get an extra workout while riding (due to friction of the dynamo against the wheel and back-EMF). This would give you motivation to sustain 10 mph.

Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention lately, but I see no mention of XBox Live integration.

That's right. Keep in mind, the compulsive one is no longer running the show.

F-14D Tomcat.

I've read that this represents $300,000,000. But that's ok, we'll just cut more Pell grants to make up for it.

If your seat is in the tale, how long does it take to depart the plane?

Romney and Ryan will pay for some of this defense spending by decimating Pell grants. Perhaps they figure that brighter people will join the armed forces if they eliminate opportunities for them to go to college.

Over-the-air software uploads are risky. But, it was smart to design for this as the means to redress any bugs in the deployed software. The OTA procedure was no doubt rigorously developed to be robust (rock solid and trustworthy), so why not leverage this ability rather than complicate the hardware and software

Devices with DirectX support generally have other means to access the net.

I just heard about a girl who sold her kidney for an iPad. The reality distortion field is strong with this one.

Apple's acquisition of Authentec (fingerprint scanners) portends great things to come wrt biometric authentication. The robbers may need to take your finger. Hopefully Apple will devise a way to ensure that warm blood is still flowing through your finger.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property. The unlawful taking of the latter shall result in the loss of the former. Western Civilization 101.