
I’m already encountering control problems with this game. I’ve got it on PC. Some of the keyboard commands are not in intuitive places, but that’s okay because I think you can remap them. But I wanted to give it a try with the 360 controller I have.

What is going on in that photo? The girl looks like she’s bleeding from her forehead and her eyes are closed, and the guy looks like he’s precariously perched on the back of a bike that’s only leaning against a wall by one handlebar.

True, but I don’t want to be forced to switch to a new character, and away from one I’ve come to enjoy playing as, until I’m ready to switch. I can’t think of a time when I’ve enjoyed a game taking control out of my hands and forcing me to stop playing with something I was enjoying.

Kirk/Jason, how do you reconcile what Aaron said about a) it was his choice to go with Frostbite, b) EA didn’t pressure him/BioWare to adopt it (even though its adoption = significant financial benefit to EA...), and c) how he still stands behind the decision as the right one to have made with what’s in Jason’s book,

I didn’t mind him, but I minded not having a choice of when to switch, or knowing there would be a switch before it happened. I remember finally getting hooked into Kazuma’s story, even despite all the other problems I mentioned...and then I wasn’t able to play as him anymore.

I picked up Yakuza 0 but dropped it after several hours. I was turned off by the rough UI, the city that felt so unnatural (too many AIs with identical faces/clothes, too many facades for buildings I wanted to check out but couldn’t), and when the game forced me to play as Majima?.

Wait till he finds out it’s French!

So it looks like you can’t choose what buildings go where, or rotate them. It looks like the town is already laid out with specific plots that are reserved for one specific building with a fixed orientation. So, the only choice is to have a building of that type or not. Is that right?

The thing that has kept me away from several of the more recent Civ games is the number of systems that just get stacked on top of other systems. I prefer to play these games with military victory only. I don’t like scores or cultural or religion or trade or tech or blah blah blah victories. I don’t want to (IMO)

Aw, come on. WoW had Space Goats and time travel. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t break the mold to say that WoW was what happened in one dimension/reality, and Warcraft 4 happens in another.

When he was on Toco Toco, he went to a bar and said that many of the influences for D4 came from there. He then went to a few more bars and pointed out similar influences.

It is an interesting perspective. It sounds like PR or what someone who doesn’t care about the product they make, just the profit they make, would say.

I’m intrigued by the city feeling alive bit. The lack of loading screens helps with that, but two things that often put the lie to that feeling for me are lots of buildings you can’t enter (Yakuza 0, Persona 5, GTA 5, etc.) and NPCs that don’t have actual behavioral patterns/routines (may of Skyrim’s NPCs have them,

Not really sure what’s right here. Totally agree now’s not the time for this, but (hopefully) what’s started with MeToo won’t ever end. As in, I don’t want us to ever regress back to a mindset that thinks it’s okay to mistreat women. And if we don’t, then will there ever be a good time to grant this award to this guy?

Yep, I’m pretty bad at the game, so even at the lower levels I had to use this trick, but I basically just put 2-layer walls, leave one layer of gap, and then put another 2 layers of walls. The turrets can fire over 5 boxes away, so they can still keep the outer layer clear of the random strays.

This is yet another reason why we shouldn’t give this much attention to children, especially competitive exhibitionists.

Not that mod-related, but I recently noticed one big difference between these games and Zelda’s recent open-world iteration is how far you can see. Both modern Fallout games have lots of tall shit all over the place, and lots of hills and valleys that really block your view. Think about how much of the world you can


This also doesn’t help break up echo chambers but instead reinforces them. If FB wanted to contribute less to the disintegration of fact-based discussion and help knit the country back together, they’d put the same news in everyone’s news feed (so, not news tailored to your existing biases) from respectable news