Okay, thanks!
Okay, thanks!
Hi Patricia!
I’m looking forward to the Kotaku review. Did I miss it? Did Ubi not provide a review copy earlier?
I’m looking forward to the Kotaku review. Did I miss it? Did Ubi not provide a review copy earlier?
I played the Beta on PC. It really felt like a reskinned Destiny, but without bikes and jumping. As someone who gets bored super quick of those kinds of games, I’m definitely waiting. Waiting to see what reviews say about the single-player story side. If I wanted a shooty loot hunt I already have Borderlands and…
OMG, Claymore AND Vash!? Fantastic!
Because they didn’t want to share revenue with the developers, and because they see their main revenue being from the sale of the miniatures for the tabletop game. Anything that too closely competes with the tabletop game is forbidden. Foolish, I know. But they’d been living in a pretty unchanging business model for…
She’s the only reason I would see this movie now. Still will prob wait for NetFlix/Redbox.
I agree completely. My daughter is also growing up with Disney movies. I don’t want that to be her only influence, so my post is about how I help balance it. As you said, “exposing [her] to differing viewpoints”. I don’t want to restrict what she sees. I want her to see it all and make her own decisions. She tells me…
And for some context, AAA was originally (and still is) and accounting term, which I think sheds some light on the mindset of the executives who use it.
Exactly. Starcraft 2 is post-3D, post-Activision buyout, and I feel like you hear way more about it’s MP (twitchfest) than the story.
Just remembered, also check out The Legend of Korra and Moribito. Both TV shows. TLOK has ~52 episodes and Moribito has ~26 episodes. Both have excellent female leads. Funny, kind, strong, noble. Another one on the list is Inu Yasha. It also has a great female lead, but I’m not showing it yet because it had deamons…
Credit where credit is due, Merida and Anna were pretty cool, but Elsa was emblematic of the old mold I want to avoid as much as possible. We did see it of course, couldn’t really avoid it, and unfortunately Elsa was her favorite because she had “snow powers”. But luckily, we’ve moved beyond it. I won’t say all Disney…
Haha, nice. Glad I’m not alone here :)
I used to love RTSs. Then they seemed to go the way of Total Annihilation with tons and tons of spam. No strategy, it was just twitchy tactics. And this was also the dawn of easier online gaming, and I think a lot of devs got lazy, investing less and less into the more expensive single-player story side of the game,…
Too bad BK did an inversion, so I’m never buying anything from them again.
Yep, I’m right there with you. I’m a single dad with a 5 yr old daughter. Her mom is a “princess” so I knew there was no way I was letting Disney get a foothold here :) We have all the Ghibli movies instead! They’re both animated, they both have beautiful art and colors, they both often feature young girls in…
OMG, I love John Oliver.
Don’t do it, folks. This is a scam. The main game lacks personality and was underwhelming for the most part. Failing to meet, let alone exceed, expectations should dissuade you from giving Beth anymore money for speculative value. Plus, the price hike is sketchy. Plus, the first two “DLC” are just stuff modders can or…
Don’t do it, folks. This is a scam. The main game lacks personality and was underwhelming for the most part. Failing…