
Yep, after it’s crash landing on ‘South Ataria’ island in 1999. Roy Fokker may be in one of those helicopters.

I was taught that it was because it made them look even taller, which contributed to the intimidation factor. Usually it was the grenadiers who wore them. Grenadiers were often amongst the elite, and sometimes even further selected for height. So this just added to their intimidation factor.

Be still, my beating heart.

And thus ends the long tradition of the Knights Hospitaller.

Now playing

Man, the Romans would be so proud! I see the hastati, principe, and triarii, I see the shield wall, and even a bit of testudo, and moving by cohort.

I share these with practically everyone I meet. It’s almost required viewing for every girl I date. I think I’ll marry the one who enjoys them as much as I do :-)

Why not just have Bash or Rich or Toshi send you a copy?

1st World Problems. Not a big deal. Don’t think it’s worth it? Don’t buy it. This is how the free market works. Consumer express their opinions on value with their purchasing decisions. Wait, the price will probably drop. Buy it once you think it’s worth the cost.

I’m really glad Microsoft did this. It seems they really have a much better idea of what they’re doing these days.

This is what we get for all those complaints about booth babes...

I’m glad there’s color this time, and it’s fine. And if it can be modded like FO3 and Skyrim can, then it’ll be great.

I just tried your last suggestion, this is what I get. It’s a jpg file from IGN. Here’s another, uploaded the same way, from another site...

Here were my attempts:

So, multiplayer story mode Farcry? It has the same spammy, over-caffinated look of the Star Wars Battlefield trailer I just saw.

How did you do that!? What kind of magic are you using that makes your pics show up while mine still appear to be forever loading?

Ugh, Kinja, wtf...?

Reminds me of a game I got to play test once called Robotech: Battlecry.

Yeah, who do you think broke the water chip in the first place?

Hi Kirk. Not sure if you’ll see this, but if so, I’m hoping you can help me understand something. I started the game at the Sword and Story difficulty, which I think is the one below what you recommended. I experienced what you said I would, with it being kinda hard early but getting easier. So I tried your

I really want to hear from Relic. I miss them.