
Ladybug Girl. Given the theme for focusing on young girls with good imaginations/magic powers, I think the Ladybug Girl books would be a great source to mine for their next movie.

STAT | $850 million – Amount of revenue that Activision Blizzard received from Destiny and Hearthstone combined in 2014; according to Activision's earnings report; the company had $4.81 billion in total revenues for 2014.

If I have to choose that vs good story/pacing/immersion, then I choose the latter. I'd love to not have to choose though. Can you think of a way that both goals could be achieved?

I can TOTALLY relate to that last bit. I never go the direction I'm supposed to, because I know the majority of content and loot is never along the 'main' path.

Now we just gotta slip Crecente and McWherton into Owen's wheelbarrow, then maybe add the PT folk too like Leo, Toshi, and Richard...

Mmm, good point. We're assuming that EA's fiscal calendar roughly lines up with the Julian one though, so that their "last quarter" included December. But it probably does so you're probably right.

STAT | $1.13 billion – Amount of revenue Electronic Arts took in last quarter, with net income of $142 million, beating estimates handily; the company expects full-year revenue of $4.25 billion, making it the #1 console game publisher.

QUOTE | "As we look to the future, we believe a very big part of our player base will expect a free-to-start experience." - EA CEO Andrew Wilson, talking about how EA is considering ways to let people try games for free with a variety of business models.

Meh. I saw the first season. I got tired of seeing a metal ball move ever so slightly between two magnets.

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I can see the ink and breast implant budgets were increased, and I guess they replaced whoever did Lupin's chin in that wine glass shot. :-)

Where's the fridge?

The NFL must make money, directly or indirectly, from these interviews. Otherwise they would not require players to do it. And they're not requiring every player to talk with the media, only the famous ones (or only the ones the media asks to interview, which ends up being the same thing).

Just in case there's any confusion, we're currently in the Winter season. These shows will come out in about 2 months.

Luke, you are SO right. This is probably my favorite show of 2014. And most of the love comes from the care given to the crafting of the world. The scratches and wear on the world was one of the first things I noticed and totally got what it meant to convey about the world. I also love the touches of realistic

I got to play the first few hours of The Witcher 3, and so did Kotaku UK's own ruthless god-commander, Keza MacDonald. Per UN mandate, this meant we were required to talk about it. Watch the video to hear our thoughts on open-world stuff, combat, the series' progress in portraying sex, and more.

Ah, so the Azeroth in the game is consistent with the vanilla timeline, but the Draenor we can visit now is not the one from Burning Crusade but a revised one built around the premise that the Orcs never teamed up with the Burning Legion?

I bookmarked this post when I was still playing but hadn't yet finished the game, thinking I would come back when I had finished it in case the ending made no sense. Since then, I've given up playing or finishing the game (I just lost interest in the bad pacing of the story and too bummed out about how far the

So, does the real/present time still exist, or is it gone and everyone's living in the back-in-time/retcon world? I mean, my head hurts. How do you have Medivh and Jaina/Varian alive at the same time?

This has been fascinating. Last question: where's Jaina?