
QUOTE | "If I look at Europe I think it is potentially, for the second year running, going to be quite inventory challenged." - SCE CEO Andrew House, saying as carefully as possible that it's going to be hard to find a PS4 in Europe for the holidays.

QUOTE | "I sometimes feel that the creative minds who make games have done about as much as is possible in two dimensions." - Author Neal Stephenson, talking about why he's joined startup Magic Leap to make augmented reality games.

It' okay, everybody. We all know the blonde member of this 'boy band' is (or mind as well be) a girl.

In SAO, there was SO much content built into the world that you could both change the world AND not really ruin the experience for others. The combination of 100 levels, significantly difficult opposition, and the risk of real death slowed the consumption of the content/world. But even when new levels were unlocked,

It's not that complicated. When designing features, you included everything you've done before that people liked, you drop or tweak/replace everything they didn't like, then you try to add something new to the mix. You know, learn from your successes and failures, adapt accordingly, and try to improve as you move

I agree, it stinks. A) It's EA. B) They dodged your question about whether or not there will be expansion packs in the future. C They're still using PR people to answer dev questions, and their PR people are using rhetorical tricks to shape perception, which usually signals they're trying to hide something.

One of the major challenges about an MMO is that you're not special. You can't really be the hero of the world you're playing in, because the game is designed for millions and must treat each of them equally. An MMO is never "your story", it's "the story of everyone".

Transistor is a great example of minimalist storytelling. You actually begin partway through the story with one character mute and the getting used to being a talking sword. From there you take the pair through the city, all the while learning little bits about each of them and the world they inhabit. It is only by

It's unclear yet whether Persson intends to demolish the house and turn it into a bunch of giant cubes.

Okay, that one I grant you. When I am made King of Destiny, I'll keep that hold button in :-)

Ah, neat. Good to know. But yeah, I would just do it for everything. The fact that NOT having to go back to the Cryptarch is a reward you are granted for doing something shows that it's acknowledged that having to go back is a burden. I'd just get rid of the need for everyone.

I'm casually invested in it. The bad design decisions and lack of compelling story are why I'm so blase about it. Not that we need another one, but I've been slowly developing a list of changes I would make, were I King of Destiny. So far, these are just functional things.

From your conversation, it sounds like your assumption that it was done by several different, disconnected teams, and that it was designed by committee, are correct. Remember how Ubi sent out that survey asking people what parts of the most recent (at the time) AC game players liked, didn't like, and what they

Wynne was pretty badass.

Really? Yikes. Pics?

For context, I think DA3 is a pretty good game. Not fantastic mind you, but a HUGE improvement over DA2. With that said, yeah, none of this sounds appealing.

It's an interactive Wes Anderson movie!

Now playing

Destiny's not a perfect game, but it's pretty addictive, and Bungie has been updating it constantly . In fact, it's one of Kotaku's 12 bests for both the PS4 and Xbox One. If you still haven't picked up your copy, Amazon has them for half price on both current gen consoles, today only. That's better than finding a new

Weird thought: right now, no matter how much time you've pumped into Destiny, your character is still really just level 20. It says it right there in the menu screen. No matter how many hours you've spent upgrading gear and farming for materials, your character's top level is still just tied to what he or she is

Why not just consider the game over when you finish the story, and consider anything you do after that as simply replaying recycled content because you like the gunplay. And hey, if you happen to pour days worth of that grinding in, and then happy to show up at the right time on the right day, you may be able to buy