
White Sony PlayStation 4 Destiny Bundle ($410) | eBay

I doubt it. Nintendo started as a game company. Sony started as a consumer electronics company. They're both staying true to their roots. Sony becoming just a game/console company would be a major departure from the norm, and Japanese companies don't seem comfortable with change.

Sony makes tons of different products. So, the PS4 is doing great, and the division in Sony that's responsible for the PS4 is doing great. But since Sony also makes stereos, phones, laptops, televisions, etc. the over all company's performance can be completely detached from the performance of any of it's sub-units.

STAT | 1.12 million – Number of Wii U consoles sold worldwide in the last quarter, according to Nintendo; the company turned a profit of $131.5 million on $1.6 billion in revenue, with revenue up 12.8% over last year.

Bring on the Dreadnought costume!

I was really disappointed that the story about this on NPR's Marketplace, and here, failed to talk about the simplest solution: The FCC designating all of these monopolies as "common carriers".

I know that it's possible to perform surgery on your DualShock 4 and replace the thumbsticks with the Xbox One's less-slippery sticks, but that seems like a lot of work, so I'd been holding off. Meanwhile, I kept seeing photos of people's DualShock 4's with various types of colorful rubber nubs over the thumbsticks,

Hey, thanks Toshi!

More clarity in terms of what skills and stats actually mean would also be good. I don't think written or video descriptions cut it, either. The process needs to be more hands-on. Maybe some kind of test room where you can try different basic configurations against various enemy types would be good. Admittedly that's

That's on top of the already-PlayStation-exclusive Dust Palace strike, so if you're keeping track, by the second week of December, PlayStation owners will have eight strikes while Xbox players only have six. Of course, it's been clear for months now that Bungie has firmly sided with Sony in the battle for your living

From your lips to God's ears.

Moral: Caveat Emptor

I have a doubt, but I hope you're right.

Middle school host(ess) club teams up with the cinema club to create a high-drama action/adventure story.

Apparently there's also this thing called Phantasy Star Online 2 that some people would also like Sega to release to the West...

I see what you're saying. I just consider any kind of identical effort as grinding. So, any kind of daily/weekly/etc challenge is still grinding to me. I guess the more precise thing to say is that, if an activity necessary to grow in power doesn't advance the story, it's grinding.

Right, and that doesn't tick my box of 'making it right'.

Wow. They're already getting into the paid DLC? Yikes. Look, I get that it has fun gunplay. But I'm actually surprised. I had been expecting them to release a lot more free content to address the consistent criticisms made so far, about the lack of original content, glut of repetitive content, poor story,

Every season, there is one anime that stands above the rest. And for this past summer season, that anime is Barakamon.

Zombified FemHawke?