Wasteland 2 and Shadow of Mordor (if I can figure out how to fix the awful camera (too zoomed in, too much lag).
Wasteland 2 and Shadow of Mordor (if I can figure out how to fix the awful camera (too zoomed in, too much lag).
Aside from a couple Robotech Valkyries and an Alpha, I pass this test. Huzzah!
The first thing I thought of was Conan O'Brien dancing.
Also, does anyone know if any of the objectives shown on the map are timed things, as in, if you don't go after them soon, they'll disappear? If so, which kinds of things have time limits and which don't?
On the PC version, if you want to skip the irritating intro videos, go to SteamApps\common\ShadowOfMordor\game\interface\videos and get rid of
Yeah, when I watched a let's play or some beta footage and saw the space ship, my immediate thought was "Mass Effect Elevator".
So it's a speed bump and a mechanism to artificially force the opportunity to feel like you're part of some bigger community by making you go back to a hub?
That's a pointlessly confusing intermediary system. Who wants to see a color and have to guess at the liklihood of getting an ITEM of a given color?
Why doesn't the color of engram match the color of item?
The social experience of a cave farming run is amazing: the herding to get a team of Guardians all behind the line and firing in the right direction, the rush to grab the loot, the scramble when the panic wave starts, the beckoning glow from inside the cave. The speed at which the community organized around this…
Doesn't this just scream "Crappy game!"? When mindlessly firing into a cave becomes 'a thing' in your game, and people actually choose to do this rather than other things in your game, you game has A LOT of problems.
Doesn't change the fact that it could have been released on more than just the Wii U. No matter who pays for it, some decisions make business sense, others don't. This one didn't.
But Brian, wasn't this a foregone conclusion? If you want to have your game played by more games, it's counter-productive to limit its availability to the least-popular platform. And also a platform more known for 'kiddie' games than games like this.
So, I just want to make sure I understand. He has 2 issues: a) the controller sucks and b) Steam OS < Windows.
But damn, now my stream is chock full of free to play crap. I can't believe they didn't include that as a filter option in the storefront nor in your queue.
That's the big theme here: Valve wants to make sure you're not missing anything. That's why they added the Discovery Queue, and it's why they're offering new customization options for your Steam homepage: you'll be able to filter out games you already own, for example, so you can open up your wallet and buy even more.