
If everything is so hunky-dory then he should welcome the union talk and be confident that a no vote would prevail. What you cannot do is threaten folks who see to even pursue this option, whether or not it is eventually voted for not.

It also helps that there is also a bit of an exodus going on from the Golden State. Several of my liberal leaning friends who can’t afford California anymore have made their way to Texas, putting down roots in Austin and Houston.

There could be much dumber moves than picking Julian Castro as VP for the sole purpose of having him work the Latino vote in Texas hard in the run up to the 2020 election.

My daughter Ivanka thinks your hot, I think so to      DT 

Ooh, now narrate the fall of American democracy. 

This is the old man I strive to become.  Has empathy, but not without enjoying the absurdity of life. Also I would like to own a hat

My best guess is that it’s a combination of minority self-hatred and Catholic church influences. Latinx immigrants are much more likely to be politically conservative than a person might expect, thanks to the Catholic Church. They resemble, politically,  Austrians more than, for example, other European groups.

The audacity of this guy and his drugged out Slovenian mannequin wife to due that to that poor baby, it’s beyond the pale of his normal evil. 

She’s a money-grubbing pig who deserves all the misery the present and future hold in store for her.

Yes. No jokes here, just agreement.

Should have picked any other city for your fake Pats story, pal. You and I both know there are no Chargers fans in San Diego.

i’m sure he’s gonna fire Baker Mayfield if he steps out of line *eyeroll*

Having a painful heart attack and stroke?

Trump says the house was robbed, Cummings says they were scared away almost immediately. Many people are saying Trump has inside information about this intrusion and that he personally hired the person. I’m not saying that I’m just saying what many, many people are saying.

And something the fans will remind you of constantly even though it hasn’t been relevant in any way in decades and the team now stands for the opposite of that.

In all fairness to Stroman, a trade to the Mets does feel like a punishment.

I think you’re choosing to overlook some tremendous downfield coverage on the first down play.

All of which means that Trump will push even harder for this guy to be appointed. Nothing owns the libs like giving plum, prize jobs in the administration to credibly accused sexual assaulters, one would assume.

I believe this happened and I have absolutely NO faith that there will be consequences.