
He has also portrayed the ignorant commenter in several online forums. Thus I present this homage.  

Brian Stack also did the singing ghost. 

Shut down Kinja. It isn’t getting better than this. 

As a youngster, I actually saw Frank Stallone perform at a Trump hotel.

If Matt Patricia wants to go into hiding, all he has to do is shave. 

Well, Arod will also annihilate the Lions....he would probably do it with two broken legs in a Rascal scooter. 

Ryan Pace should call Green Bay today, tell them Khalil was playing nice, and we will trade him to the Packers for four first round draft picks. If they don’t agree then tell them you can’t be held responsible for what happens in Soldier Field in December.  

As a Bears fan all I can tell myself is that if Green Bay was a cat, it just used up it’s 9th life. At some point, the miracles have to stop.

Bears fan -- I don’t know why you hate the Bears — they keep gift wrapping Green Bay wins. 

Still not the worst coach of the week -- that award goes to Vic Fucking Fangio for dialing up a zone defense against a stone cold killer who has murdered his zone defense 3,267 times in the past. STOP DOING THAT, VIC!! 

It is the “WHITE POWER” gang sign. If you look closely the 3 fingers make a ‘W’ and the circle makes the circular part of the letter ‘P’.

This is the stupidest take I have ever heard. Athletes play with a lot of emotion. Sometimes those emotions boil over. The people in the stadium came to watch the players do that, and the umpire, instead of recognizing that and taking steps to de-escalate the situation (what he should have done) instead made his demand

Now playing

No one gets emotional playing sports, or while physically exerting themselves. I mean, who wants to see that?

I like your username, though. 

Normally, I would dismiss you, but I would rather just prove you wrong. I brought my dictionary:

You should clarify that Serena took her loss like a champ and implored the crowd to celebrate Osaka’s victory rather than shit on the poor officiating (save that for the NFL tomorrow). 

You know what would insure he never does this again? Running windsprints until he passes out.

Well, to take the sting off of this, the Bears need to beat the Packers by like 4 touchdowns.

Now playing

Here is a great video about how Sark sucks:

All because Aaron Rodgers is a wuss.