Since this was a Madden Tournament, there were already a few Hail Mary’s.
Since this was a Madden Tournament, there were already a few Hail Mary’s.
Taking the ‘Memorial’ out of ‘War Memorial Stadium’
I hope he is waiting in the afterlife with another thumbs down for Mitch McConnell.
I would just like to say that I am impressed that he didn’t have to lean over while doing that. Not a single time!
Now all the goodwill he spent his entire life developing will be completely co-opted and wasted by the ignorant corporate machine that is WWE, a sacrifice to the putrid ego of an ignorant billionaire.
You know who else didn’t make a catch? Santonio Holmes in the end zone at the end of Super Bowl XLIII.
No worries. You can put ketchup on your shirt — but not on a hot dog.
Nate Diaz beat him in the rematch, as well. Those judges who scored the fight in favor of McGregor are idiots.
After the Bears blow out the Packers week 1 you will feel differently.
Yes, but Manafort won’t take the sentence, because if he did take the sentence, he would be doing it to protect his friend and the “President.” If Trump is fucked anyway, he is essentially agreeing to die in prison for no reason at all. That’s stupid. Manafort is not stupid.
This is all mental — he has Dave Chappelle syndrome — he just got a BIG contract, he doesn’t believe he is worth it, and now he wants to run away and hide.
On the contrary — that was awesome.
An empty pedestal is a much more appropriate way to memorialize the confederacy.
Let’s just say what we all know -- if Hillary was “Guilty” then Trump is SUPER-MEGA-GOLD PLATED GUILTY!
Jimmy Fallon has.
People won’t be living in poverty once they are no longer living.
A West Side Story Joke. Take your star.
It is also the easiest thing to remember.
Yes, but you used the term GOAT - when he isn’t even the greatest receiver in his hall of fame class. I am not bagging on T.O. - he earned his induction, but he is NOT the GOAT.
Jerry Rice would like a word.