Eight Minutes of *Russian* Police Being Morons On Dashcams... or was that implied simply by having dashcams in the title?
Eight Minutes of *Russian* Police Being Morons On Dashcams... or was that implied simply by having dashcams in the title?
I think you meant to say faggots on skates.
This sucks. They barely show the car...
I think the Force India's is the most dick-like, not sure if painting it black makes it better or worse...
He's definitely not braking until 8 or 9 seconds into the video. He had more than enough time to slow down, but waited till the last second and then panicked. Just as stupid as the guy attempting the pass.
To be honest, it looks as though the screamer is at least partly responsible. He sees the other guy next to the plow truck from a good distance away but doesn't start slowing down until they're basically head-on, and then shits himself. In my opinion, they're both idiots.
He does brake, he just does a lot of left foot braking while keeping his right foot planted on the accelerator. Very effective when you have so little power. Lifting off the gas would lose you way too much RPMs and momentum.
Have to agree with Seinfeld on this car, it's just plain ugly. And as for the interior, it's absolutely horrendous. It looks totally unfinished. Not a fan.
Like most Italian cars you probably have to pull the whole engine out from underneath.
Not a single diesel?? I'm very disappointed in my fellow Jalops...
1:05, enjoy!
What this all means is that fuel alone won't allow the drivers to drive flat out for more than one hour.
This is the most badass car I've seen on this post.
I think they look great. Awesome color combo.
How can you hate on these?? They are super cool, and the old school cherry is awesome. I could do without the hood fin but otherwise these are perfect.
How can you hate on these man? I think they're super cool. And the old school cherry is so distinctive, it makes them easier to spot.
Sorry but the West Virginia Trooper colors should be in the 10 best police liveries, not the worst. I think it looks awesome. Understated and classy.
I think the no RWD issue is Acura's most serious fault in terms of competitiveness with the other brands. When all your sedans drive like glorified Accords, that just doesn't cut it.
The only people that buy Acuras these days are old and clueless.
Proportions are a thousand times better than the CTS coupe, thank God... The acres of flat metal on that car's rear fenders made even 21" wheels look puny. Another bonus is that it doesn't look like it's ass is sticking up in the air.
I'll need some time to get used to that new logo though.
AWD only is stupid, but apart from that this is now my favorite 911.