And as always: "These video's are not streamed outside of the United States."
And as always: "These video's are not streamed outside of the United States."
Everyone always has a stink about how good games look, but it still looks like a video game. They've got alot of contrast between shadows and light that looks unnatural, all the skin and faces look like plastic, and aside from the ground, water, and certain articles of clothing, nothing looks like it has any texture…
Genuine question: did anybody, even for a moment, believe that modders would not make it look as good, if not better, than it ever managed to at E3?
I miss the Tony Hawk games....
Everything you just said is wrong. I get the feeling that you are young and never played the dreamcast.
Why does anything that's considered old and loved by fans make the people that love it hipster..?
The dreamcast had such a great library of games, the controller was one of the better ones out there, and it was a great console. The only reason dreamcast that held back the dreamcast was poor marketing on sega's part.
Maybe it's the constant barrage of Playstation and Xbox news. Maybe it's nostalgia. But right about now I could…
House of the Dead: Overkill was a Wii game that not only once held a fairly dubious world record, but also had a…
Are you...a hobbit?
Well how the hell else are they gonna spy on you? Gonna get that internet connection so they can watch you through the Kinect and appropriately target advertising towards you. "Oh, the Johnson family has arrived back home. There are five of them. Checking their pulse, they appear famished, better suggest they order a…