About living in Allentown or the train?
Norfolk Southern Railway, the company which told organizers that there would be no traveling trains during the marathon, is looking into how a train traveled through the marathon.
more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.
I can’t be the only one who thinks if the troops wanted to they could put together a foul ball collecting team and dominate Zack Hample
All Rainn Wilson said is that he’s pissed that shooting-killings of animals draw more press and sympathy than shooting-killings of people. So instead of writing faux-outrage ad hominems, understand that this zoo shooting death and human shooting deaths are both substantively but not equally tragic.
...was “incredibly lifelike,” it was “not viable.”
Way to go, Tyler. A white male in this country finally gets a break due to his family connections rather than talent or experience, and he goes out and fucks it up almost immediately. This is why we never get anywhere.
Call him a “kid” all you want, but the young man has learned the game thanks to a parent who surrounded him with some of the best players in the country. That’s why I’m so excited about Louisiana Tech’s new baseball manager, Drake LaRoche.
I hate when announcers try to get cute during broadcasts. Just tell us what’s going on, UNC guys, and save your hilarious Hawk Harrelson impression for a more appropriate time.
Tell me more about this unknown teen looking to score.
Funny Kevin Hart Day isn’t December 21 because that is the shortest day of the year! Ohh middle school burn!!!
Seriously, if the goat looked like that, my answer to the goat question might be different than if it was a regular goat. Does that make me shallow?
Rusty Kuntz Jr.
It’s true, they did indeed take over WCW in the 90s. I SEEN IT
Nothing to see here. Just two, old, elephant skin rugs.
Looks like the bandwagon evacuation plan was enacted.