
Looks like he scrubbed the boast about a young person’s suicide from his bio. Oops.

Wow. I'm speechless. Some people are beyond evil. I feel dirty after reading about that lawyer. The lawyer hired that particular lawyer to defend is reputation? That guy?!?! Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.

There’s at least one in every damn neighborhood.

In the video, Maggie is wearing a Mets shirt (which is technically classified as a Confederate monument because it celebrates a “lost cause”)

Why is minding one’s damn business hard? I mean really. If you’re not paying for it or it isn’t impacting you, why the hell should you care?

Yep - you could see her wilt when she saw her white neighbors didn’t have her back.

The demographic of protesters is inspirational. White people need to call out their own EVERY - TIME. The victim has no power unless the status quo is supportive.

Maybe it really is time we stop giving white people who seek to weaponize the police against Black people cutesy little nicknames like “BBQ Becky” or “Central Park Karen.”

As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny.  We all look shiny, we just have

Give the corporations time, they’ll sort out that whole ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing in the court system, too.

Dude could literally take a 1% pay cut and employ dozens, if not hundreds of people.

“and typically earn less than 1/3 of 1% of the CEO’s earnings”

HOLY SHIT!! “Have you considered being good at your jobs?” Not only did he fucking hand them their asses, he literally made it look like they were at the principal’s office. I need his number so he can lay into my kids when they become tweens.

While “suck my dick and choke on it” has a certain je ne sais quoi to it, I prefer the ending of “I yield my time, FUCK YOU!”  I think it adds just the right amount of civility to the dicussion.

“I yield my time, FUCK YOU.” is up there with my favorites so far.

“Chief Moore, you have the most racist eyebrows I’ve ever seen,”

“Not only was the knee on George’s neck a cause of his death, but so was the weight of the other two police officers on his back”

When it comes to Youtube, there’s one utterly vital rule to remember:

I’m not sure which one is more far fetched. Aliens or someone figuring out new forms of engineering that break our current grasp on physics. This all reeks of military subterfuge. Do yo honestly think the US military would publish top secret, science breaking intel because they were worried about a patent?