HOLY SHIT!! “Have you considered being good at your jobs?” Not only did he fucking hand them their asses, he literally made it look like they were at the principal’s office. I need his number so he can lay into my kids when they become tweens.
HOLY SHIT!! “Have you considered being good at your jobs?” Not only did he fucking hand them their asses, he literally made it look like they were at the principal’s office. I need his number so he can lay into my kids when they become tweens.
While “suck my dick and choke on it” has a certain je ne sais quoi to it, I prefer the ending of “I yield my time, FUCK YOU!” I think it adds just the right amount of civility to the dicussion.
“I yield my time, FUCK YOU.” is up there with my favorites so far.
“Chief Moore, you have the most racist eyebrows I’ve ever seen,”
“Not only was the knee on George’s neck a cause of his death, but so was the weight of the other two police officers on his back”
I’m not sure which one is more far fetched. Aliens or someone figuring out new forms of engineering that break our current grasp on physics. This all reeks of military subterfuge. Do yo honestly think the US military would publish top secret, science breaking intel because they were worried about a patent?
Lmao, is that a shooting threat prompted by discussing the redundancy of landlordism?
A lot of renters make a lot more than their landlords.
I don’t get the blanket outrage for people being landlords. Are they good landlords? Do they take care of the property? Do they offer reasonable rental rates comparable to similar properties? Do they keep rent increases limited? Then what’s the problem with making an investment that provides a decent place to live?…
Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%
It sounds like Hamilton Nolan is writing under the pen name Joan Summers.
Yeah I thought that was really weird to have here. They took the step when so many corporate landlords aren’t doing shit. Like why are they being called out here?
But it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.
I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.
The body I was born with, is it not what you wanted?
I gotta say, I think you did her a disservice by choosing that pullquote for your headline. You know people are going to read it as if she is calling other women sluts for choosing to wear less concealing clothes, when I’m pretty sure she only meant this to be about herself.
I kind of love her.
Matt Gaetz looks like if Ted Kennedy had sex with Ursula from Little Mermaid.