Must be a lot of NCAA fans up at Blizzard HQ!
Sorry to hear your mother’s abortion was botched
So, I’ve been watching Handmaid’s Tale and it’s insanely scary how much the fundamentalist Christianity depicted resembles the social conservatism of today. These people are crazy and in complete denial of their responsibility of their own actions.
17 minutes that can be used as a teachable moment. The school I work within had 350 students escorted to cafeteria and had an open forum/discussion between students/adults. This was middle school too and it went very well; they also had 17 minutes of silence for the victims.
Ahhhh only one side is capable of stealing and the other side is only capable of participating..... typical faux-liberal jezebel GARBAGE.
If the NRA could sell guns to fetuses so that they could protect themselves from abortion, they’d fuckin do it.
1. It’s 17 minutes out of the school day, not a day off school.
Because the only thing safer for kids than being shot at by one shooter is kids being caught in the middle of a shootout between a shooter and their teachers.
tHe oNlY WaY tO sToP a TeAcHeR wItH a GuN iS wITh A sTuDeNt WiTh TwO gUnS!!!
So you think the few minutes he spent doing this is going to somehow hinder his work on gun control?
And let’s see how the gun nuts react to their “good guy with a gun” being yet again revealed to be more a dipshit with a gun.
So is Misty Copeland stealing dance moves from Europeans? Did Leonytne Price steal from Europeans when she became an opera singer? How about Alvin Ailey? Please learn the difference between BEING INFLUENCED and Plagarizing. If being influenced is appropriation then we should be pissed off about Jazz, modern art, every…
People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...
Um, if someone told me to put my dog in the bin, I’d be like, “Yo there is a dog in there.” And if they continued to insist, I would ask to speak to the head attendant, and then the pilot. And if they still insisted, I’d get my ass off that plane. NOTHING would cause me to put my dog in the overhead bin. I would risk…
People saying this is partially the dog’s owner fault for complying with this absurd order of flight attendants has certainly not been following the news on what happens to people who doesn’t put up with abusive demands of power tripping air crews.
She’s not the Canadian Rosa Parks. She’s Viola Desmond.
You’d prefer they found a person of color with a penchant for waterboarding and destroying evidence, instead?