It’s a video game, everyone needs to settle it down just a bit.
It’s a video game, everyone needs to settle it down just a bit.
PLEASE KEEP YOUR HAPPINESS TO A MINIMUM. Some of us are trying to be miserable.
Thank god the fun police showed up. Honestly, what’s the point of your comment? Just wanted to rain on someone’s parade?
jeez, there’s a time and place for booty and the pitch during a game is not it.
This assumes they actually serve a purpose. Seeing that 99% of the things in this game don't, I think it's a safe guess to assume they're working as intended (by having no function).
Because their claim is unmitigated horseshit, and nobody is required to respond to bullshit cease and desist letters from patent trolling idiots regardless of how big their company or claim is.
The Xbox One S is the cheapest 4K Blu Ray player on the market right now. So yes, it does cost as much as a whole new console.
Who also happen to be acting like patent trolls...
First one sounds like any appstore, they going after apple, microsoft and google next?
Patent trolls need to be the ones prosecuted. All they do is hold back progress.
lol, I’m also a big fan of the ice queen. It ALWAYS feels personal when you die to her.
Except for those times you run into a room and die in .32 seconds. Or when you got some butthole widowmaker being a butthole. I also find it useful to learn enemies tactics. If I got killed by that stupid tracer in that area in the same way twice I’ll be far more careful (and by careful I mean switching to Mei and…
I watch my killcam all the damn time. It gives me insight as to how or where enemy players get the jump on me so I know better when approaching those areas again in the future.
but that controller... The -last- thing I need is for the PS4 controller’s light to be even more distracting.
This game clicked for me when I started walking past a safe radius from my ship, counting on some distant installation to recall it. Before then, I was icon-hopping in a utilitarian way. After that, I was scanning the horizon for zinc to maintain my environmental protection, dipping into caves and lakes during storms,…
That video... I mean how-I don’t, dafuq? I’m old.
Abs Crunchum.
Well that explains this...