
Warm take: everything is terrible, and lying to keep fun plot details sorta-kinda secret is ok actually.

The topic of neurodivergence and trans identities is really interesting—for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, autism is overrepresented in the trans community and being trans is overrepresented among autistic people. It may be that neurodivergent people spend more time thinking about their relationship with gender

One point of Clarification, adaptation literally refers to adapting the story from Page to Screen. Rafe is calling this an adaptation when in reality it is a re-writing of a story using the same world and characters. But they have made so many distinct changes to to the plot and character development it is not longer

Still, we got the SNL NFT song which is pretty good.

By “properly processed”, that usually means “loaded onto a barge and shipped to a 3rd world country for disposal”.

Nah. We just had 500,000 people die in the US and motherfuckers couldn’t put a paper mask on for 10 minutes while shopping. In no way is this country or world prepared to make any significant sacrifice that are necessary to combat climate change.

I’ll just straight up say that there’s zero chance that new fossil fuel development stops by next year, and that we can’t hit the 1.5 degrees Celsius level without a whole ton of those “moonshot” carbon removal technologies working out. We’ll be lucky to keep it at 2 degrees Celsius without them.

Look, it has Ming-Na Wen. So I’m going to watch it regardless.

I’m wacko.
 Sorry, Wakko. 

Peter Cullen, The Overserious Alicorn* needs to be in all the things.

Even as someone who enjoys the trip down to I-5 for Disneyland several times a year (ESPECIALLY this time of year), I’m glad Newsom has held firm on this. This pandemic fucking blows, but at least I’m not in a state with a fucking moron like DeSantis at the helm.

I’ll never understand how anyone could feel the urge, nay the need, to go to a theme park in the middle of a pandemic. California offers unbridled natural beauty and about 1,000 other relatively safe things to do if you need entertainment. Giving your money to a global mega-corporation seems like it should be at the

I’m not so sure Ruby is dead. If we don’t see someone die on screen, that’s usually to give writers an out to bring them back. Plus, the entire season indicated that Christina needs the people she and Ruby morph into alive (both William and Dell were in comas, but still alive). So I’m thinking Ruby’s probably in a

“is meant to be a secretive body.”

Great cameo by Garnet from Steven Universe:

Feminine, not female.

Yeah, it’s intentionally meant to have multiple meanings: Specifically the One Ring’s power over the other rings, the allure that the One Ring has to all who hold it to become the “Lord of the Rings,” most obviously to Sauron himself, and, more subtly, to Frodo and Sam and how they became each, in their own way, the

It will be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

You kinda set yourself up for that one...

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.