
Dazzler is clearly the most important reveal here. I didn’t know of the writer beforehand, but dunno how I feel after reading the imdb. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1106214/

Climate change =/= climate “controlled by man”

NASA rocks!

Uneducated take, perhaps. Not for you? Absolutely acceptable there.

I’ll be honest that I didn’t know what it was (although I inferred bad). That video exceeded expectations. Spectacular. I would very much like to see Cardi do that to Tomi. Very very very much. 

in other words, this is the royal wii?

“People involved aside, this ‘stunt’ will have lasting ramifications for ANY woman/[non-binary] person trying to get into Contenders. They will ALL now be subject to ‘lol are you real??’ harassment.”

“Geguri is cheating”
“MagicAmy is actually two people”
etc etc etc
Blame enough women for being fake/bad/cheating enough times, eventually that broken clock will be right.

Here’s the thing: even if what you said was true, that still DOES NOT condone harassing someone and threatening to dox them.  It’s just a video game for crying out loud!

I hear Character Actress Margo Martindale has been committing various felonies the past few years.

George Tech engineering professor Alan Porter who gave his opinion on the future of fast food.

Easy, chief. No matter what they used to be, they’re cops now. They’re not some mythical heroes going to battle on the front lines of freedom, they are *supposed* to serve and protect. These guys are kitted out like they just watched Zero Dark Thirty and want to kick in some doors. They look like clowns.

Every post 9-11 vet I meet either says “I was in Special Forces” and/or “I had TS/SCI clearance.” So many bullshitters. All you have to do is look for tattoos. Covered in tats? The B Team. Tells you that they had Uber-clearance? Not the real deal. The badasses don’t exist. They are ghosts. Ghosts don’t have tattoos

I always love the opening where the other family in the delivery room is spieling about their baby sibling coming from some convoluted stork-like fairy tale and then pan over to Wednesday “our parents are having a baby too. They had sex”

Congratulations on having the worst take.

Like Rosemary’s Baby has taught us, inadvertent and unwilling conception of the AntiChrist at least come with pretty sweet real estate.

I can’t feel bad about this aside from feeling bad for the employees... Prima guides have been some of the worst guides I’ve ever seen from a usability standpoint.

MAN I hope they do an Agent of Asgard style rebirth/redeath arc. That could be so much fun, especially when properly serialized.

Both my kids could write better than that when they were in the 3rd grade. What he wrote is symptomatic of a first-grader with a serious learning disability.

Milo led a Twitter campaign of harassment against Jones in which he and his followers used all manner of hateful messaging to bully and abuse her.